utility function

[juˈtɪləti ˈfʌŋkʃən][juˈtiliti ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • Product description : with delicate design besides utility function can be used for advertisement sales promotion and gift .

    产品说明:本产品设计精巧美观,除具有 实用 功能之外,还可做广告,促销,赠品之用。

  • Application of Grey Utility Function in Engineering Mathematics

    灰色 效用 函数在评价工科数学中的应用

  • Green characteristic ; Utility function ; Neural network ; Environmental protection ;

    绿色性; 效用 函数;神经网络;环境保护;

  • Research of novel utility function on multi-issue negotiation

    一个基于多属性协商的 效用 函数研究

  • Restrictive assumptions on utility function are removed and a simple distributed rates algorithm is proposed using the particle swarm optimization based on the network utility maximization framework .

    基于最大化用户效用函数框架,去掉了以往研究中对 效用 函数的严格假设,利用粒子群方法设计了分布式速率控制算法。

  • A Utility Function Based Low Complexity User Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-user MIMO Systems

    一种基于 效用 函数的多用户MIMO系统低复杂度调度算法

  • In this research we used multinomial logit mode choice model to discuss the effects of updating method utility function specification and data type on the updating of choice model .

    本研究利用多项罗机运具选择模式探讨更新方法、 效用 函数指定、与数据型态对模式更新的影响。

  • The concept of the grey utility function is proposed and the axiomatics for the existence of grey utility function are given .

    提出了灰 效用 函数的概念,给出了灰效用函数存在的公理体系。

  • You can construct a utility function that will build your viewer .

    您可以构造一个 实用 函数来构建您的viewer。

  • Nested Logit model based on a new form of utility function

    基于一种新 效用 函数形式的分层Logit模型

  • Establishing Utility Function of Law and Economics Based on Behavioral Economics

    基于行为经济学的法经济学 效用 函数建构

  • A Taxes-affected Fractional-moment Asset Pricing Model Based on the Special Utility Function

    存在税收因素影响的基于特殊 效用 函数的分数矩资本资产定价模型

  • Services encapsulate function whether it is business function or common utility function .

    服务对功能进行封装,此功能可以是业务功能或 实用 功能

  • Do this by calling the Dojo string utility function substitute .

    这通过调用Dojo字符串 工具 函数substitute来完成。

  • This utility function works on any HTML element from a div to text input or a checkbox or select-list .

    实用 工具 函数适用于任何HTML元素,包括div、文本输入、复选框和选择列表。

  • By taking into the account the expected rate of return and the risk involved Kelly 's utility function maximizes the overall growth of your bankroll .

    藉由进入帐户回返的预期比率和危险积极叁与的凯利 公用 程序 功能之内拿取你的资金全部的生长最大值。

  • In the example above this . rewriteURI () is a utility function to convert a relative path into a full path using this . iContext . io . rewriteURI () .

    在上面的示例中,this.rewriteURI()是一个 实用 函数,使用this.iContext.io.rewriteURI()来将相对路径转换为完全路径。

  • But it 's not a complete theory until we specify the utility function .

    但在我们指定 效用 函数前,这还不是一个完整的理论。

  • On the basis of the two sides utility function a first best payment system has been provided to eliminate moral hazard and self-selection from hospital by game theory .

    基于双方的 效用 函数,以消除医院道德风险和自选择为目的,运用博弈理论推出了最优付费方式的博弈均衡解。

  • An Evaluation and Analysis of the Evolution of China Insurance System : Based on National Utility Function

    基于国家 效用 函数的中国保险制度变迁评析

  • In this paper we study the knowledge barter between staffs within a firm by introducing the utility function of knowledge barter and using an Iterated Prisoner 's Dilemma ( IPD ) game-theoretic model .

    通过建立基于知识互补性假设的两人知识互换 效用 函数,运用无限次重复囚徒困境博弈模型,分析了企业内员工间知识互换的主要障碍和解决途径。

  • By applying this exponential utility function portfolios to suit a variety of different investors can be obtained .

    并且因为 效用 函数的引入,因此可以求得满足不同风险偏好投资者的资产配置。

  • Also pilot studies are carried out on some variables in the model including character variable decision variable probability of the sequent occurring and utility function .

    对模型中的状态变量、策变量、果发生概率、 函数等进行了初步研究。

  • Comparison and Selection of the Contact Line Schemes Based on Entropy and Generalized Utility Function Method

    基于熵值法和广义 效用 函数法的联络线接轨方案比选

  • A Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Algorithm in MIMO-OFDM System Based on Utility Function

    MIMO-OFDM系统中基于 效用 函数的跨层资源分配算法

  • An Improvement about the Optimal Investment / Consumption Portfolio Based on Utility Function

    基于 效用 函数的最优投资消费组合的一个改进

  • Moreover David was delighted to discover during researching this article that one utility function from his book was incorporated into the NLTK package .

    此外,David欣喜地发现,在在研究本文的过程中他的书中的一个 效用 函数已经被加入到NLTK程序包中。

  • Improved Consumer Utility Function Model and Enterprise Pricing Strategy

    消费者 效用 函数模型的改进与企业定价策略

  • The analysis on government 's utility function dynamic optimization during the State-owned banking system changes

    论国有银行制度变迁中政府 效用 函数的动态优化