uterosacral ligaments

[医] 子宫骶韧带,直肠子宫襞

  • ( 4 ) pelvic edema : thickening of uterosacral ligaments haziness of pelvic fat and obscuration of the pelvic floor fascial planes .

    盆腔水肿: 子宫 韧带增厚、盆腔脂肪和盆底筋膜模糊。

  • Specimens were taken from the uterosacral ligaments and fibroblasts were cultured and purified .

    标本取自宫 韧带,以 1% 胶原酶 消化法进行 韧带成纤维细胞的原代培养。

  • The Expressions of Type ⅰ ⅲ Collagen in Uterosacral Ligaments in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    胶原蛋白ⅠⅢ在盆腔器官膨出患者 子宫 韧带中的表达