



  • The leisure facilities are there for the use of guests

    这些休闲设施是供客人 使用的。

  • The show uses Zondo 's trial and execution as its framework .

    这部戏 桑多的受审和被处决作为基本框架。

  • Now I use a false name if I 'm meeting people for the first time

    现在和初次见面的人交往时我会 假名。

  • There are new uses of words coming in and old uses dying out .

    单词总有新 用法出现,也有旧用法慢慢被淘汰。

  • Infrared detectors have many uses

    红外探测器有多种 用途

  • Wash your hands after using the toilet

    便后要 洗手

  • It 's no use arguing with a drunk

    跟一个醉汉争论是没有 用处的。

  • You used all the ice cubes and didn 't put the ice trays back

    所有的冰块都 用完了,又不把冰格放回去。

  • Police have been hampered by Mr Urquhart 's use of bogus names .

    厄克特先生 使用了假名,警方的调查因此受阻。

  • He asked whether he could use my bathroom .

    他问是否可以 我的卫生间。

  • Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife


  • They 've never had anything spare — they 've always used it all .

    他们从没有任何备用的东西——他们总是把什么都 得一干二净。

  • The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students

    这本小册子的内容应该会对所有的学生都有 用处

  • It 's no use . Let 's hang up and try for a better line .


  • Not all nursery schools make use of the opportunities open to them .

    并不是所有的托儿所都能 抓住他们面临的机会。

  • He had simply used a little imagination

    他只不过是 了一点点想象力。

  • You will no longer have a use for the magazines

    你再也 用不着这些杂志了。

  • The site has been out of use for many years .

    这个地方已经 闲置多年。

  • The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs .

    这种治疗不会 使用任何人工合成药物。

  • We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes

    统治阶层剥夺了我们 使用土地的权利。

  • When Johnson talks about cuts he uses words like ' target price ' and ' efficiency payments ' .

    约翰逊谈起降价时,会 使用“目标价位”和“效率支付”之类的字眼。

  • The judge liked using the word ' wicked ' of people he had sent to jail

    这个法官喜欢 使用“邪恶”一词来形容被他判罪入狱的人。

  • She will have the use of the car one night a week .

    她每周有一个晚上会 用车

  • Why do I have the feeling I 'm being used again ?

    为什么我感觉又被 利用了?

  • Officials used loud hailers to call for calm

    官员们 扩音器呼吁大家保持冷静。

  • Be careful she 's not just using you

    当心她不只是在 利用你。

  • Being a hospital Sister had its uses .

    在医院当护士有它的 好处

  • You 'll find that most people that don 't use heroin don 't like people that do .

    你会发现绝大多数不 海洛因的人都不喜欢吸食者。

  • I didn 't want to use my married name because we 've split .

    我不想 我的夫姓,因为我们已经离婚了。

  • He denied he had used drugs
