usual practice

[ˈjuʒuəl ˈpræktɪs][ˈju:ʒuəl ˈpræktis]


  • Our usual practice is LC at sight ?

    我们的 惯例是即期信用证。

  • It is our usual practice to arrange credit to cover the shipment at least one month ahead .

    我们的 惯例是至少提前一个月开具支付货款的信用证。

  • As our usual practice insurance covers basic risks only at110 percent of the invoice value .

    按照我们的 惯例,只保基本险,按发票金额110%保。

  • That 's our usual practice .

    这是我们 通常 做法

  • After considering these issues WHO decided to apply its usual practice of disclosing the names of experts after an advisory body has completed its work .

    在审议了这些问题后,世卫组织决定沿用在咨询机构完成工作后披露专家姓名的 惯例

  • Payment by irrevocable letter of credit at sight is our usual practice .

    以不可撤消的即期信用证支付是我 惯例

  • A : Could you tell me the usual practice of inspection for your exports ?

    请问你们出口货物中的检验 条款 通常 惯例是什么?

  • It 's usual practice in our school to show a film every saturday .

    每星期六我们学校总要放场电影,这已成 定例了。

  • I was very anxious to know your usual practice in selling products .

    我非常渴望了解你方销售产品的 惯常 做法

  • He followed his usual practice of doing the work .

    他遵循了自己的 做事 习惯

  • Actually it is our usual practice to inspect all equipment and parts before shipment .

    实际上,交货前对所有的设备与部件进行检验是我们 通常 做法

  • Could I ask what is the usual practice of payment ?

    请问你方付款方式的 习惯 做法是什么?

  • That 's the usual practice adopted internationally .

    这是国际上采用的 惯例

  • It 's usual practice to exchange business cards at the beginning of the meeting .

    在会议开始时交换名片,这是 惯例

  • Our usual practice is to insure the parcel for 110 % of the invoice value .

    我们 通常 做法是投保发票金额的110%。

  • I have coffee after dinner as is my usual practice .

    我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的 习惯

  • It is not the usual practice for shops in that small town to stay open after 6 o'clock in the afternoon .

    在那个小镇上,商店在下午6点以后还营业不是当地的 习惯 做法

  • Secondly we must raise the established quality of the bank field accounting standard of our country quickly conform with international usual practice improve the external environment of commercial bank .

    二是要提高我国银行业会计标准的制定质量,加快与国际 惯例 接轨,改善商业银行的外部环境;

  • Cashier : Sorry we only accept cash and Credit Card . It 's our usual practice .

    收银员:对不起,我们只收现金和信用卡。这是我们的 惯例

  • We are anxious to know your usual practice in giving commsission .

    我们急于想知道你方佣金的 惯例

  • It is our usual practice to inspect all goods before shipment .

    对交货前的所有商品进行检验是我们 常规 做法

  • According to your usual practice the extra premium will be for our account .

    按照你方 一般 惯例,额外保险费将由我们负担。

  • It is a usual practice for transferring inheriting and developing Uyghur folks culture such as dietetics dressings handcrafts business customs .

    自古以来, 维吾尔人 饮食、服饰、手工业和商业习俗等民俗文化在巴扎上得以充足的传递、继承和发铺。

  • I see no reason for us to depart from our usual practice .

    我看我们没有理由背离咱们的 惯例

  • To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice .

    挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的 惯技

  • We won 't do it because it departs from our usual practice .

    这有悖于我们的 常规 做法,所以我们不会去做。

  • As our usual practice goes we require payment by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit .

    按我方 通常 做法,我们要求以保兑的不可撤销信用证为付款方式。

  • It 's not our usual practice but I 'll see what I can do for you .

    我们 通常是不这样 的,但是,让我看看能为您做什么。

  • Processing supplied materials and assembling supplied parts is our usual practice .

    来料加工和来件组装是我们的 惯例