uterine cavity

[ˈjutərɪn ˈkævɪti][ˈju:tərain ˈkæviti]


  • CONCLUSION There exists the relationship between the morphological changes of the uterine cavity and the TCM syndrome differentiation .

    结论 形态变化与不孕症的中医辨证分型间存在着一定的关系。

  • Methods 1990 05-2001 12 21 cesarean section massive hemorrhage cases with placenta previa were treated with filling uterine cavity with ribbon gauze .

    方法对1990年5月&2001年12月在我院用 子宫 填塞纱条治疗前置胎盘剖宫产术中大出血21例进行分析。

  • Serial pelvic ultrasonography revealed changes in the volume of blood in the uterine cavity in tandem with her menstrual cycle .

    一系列的腹部超音波检查显示 子宫 腔内所积的血容量,与月经周期相关;

  • Metheds 20 Patients were examined by uterine cavity acoustic contrast the results were compared with those abdominal finding .

    方法对20例拟诊为 病变的患者行官腔双氧水声学造影检查,并将其结果与经腹超声做对照。

  • Application of real-time gray scale contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in differentiation of benign and malignant diseases in uterine cavity

    实时灰阶超声造影鉴别 良恶性病变的应用研究

  • Objective : To study the diagnosis value of uterine cavity ultrasonography for uterine diseases .

    目的:探讨 腔内超声扫描对子宫病变的诊断价值。

  • Results The main cause of PROM was the changes of cervix function and pressure in uterine cavity .

    结果胎膜早破的主要诱因是引产或流产,胎位不正等造成宫颈功能或 压力改变。

  • Objective To evaluate the value of transvaginal hystersonography ( TVHS ) in differential diagnosis of uterine cavity lesions .

    目的评价经阴道超声与宫腔注液造影对 腔内病变的诊断价值。

  • Analysis of clinical efficacy of uterine cavity ribbon gauze packing for treatment of hematorrhea during cesarean section in32 cases of placenta praevia .

    子宫 填塞纱条治疗前置胎盘剖宫产术中大出血32例分析。

  • Semen liquefaction make sperm activity not limited slow or inhibit sperm into the uterine cavity fertilization and cause infertility .

    精液不液化使精子活动受限,减缓或抑制精子进入 子宫 受精而引起不孕症。

  • Transvaginal ultrasound in the custody of the value of the uterine cavity surgery

    超声监护在经阴道 手术中的价值

  • Effect of Uterine Cavity Gauze Packing and Yan Pei Joint Treatment on Post-partum Hemorrhage

    子宫 填塞纱条联合欣母沛治疗产后出血的疗效

  • Objective To study the effect of abdominal ultrasonography monitoring in tran-vaginal uterine cavity operation .

    目的探讨腹部超声监护在经阴道 手术中的作用。

  • Clinical analysis of hysteroscopic electrotomy in treatment of residual pregnancy tissue in uterine cavity Fragmentary Black Lacquer Tray Inlaid with a Picture of the Moon Palace in Mother-of-pearl

    宫腔镜电切术治疗 宫内妊娠物残留的临床分析广寒宫图嵌螺钿黑 漆盘残片

  • Clinical Analysis of Application of Uterine Cavity Water Sac Compression for Hemorrhea in the Low Cesarean Section


  • A Preliminary Clinical Application and Study of Uterine Cavity Ultrasonography

    子宫 腔内超声扫描的初步临床应用和研究

  • The pharmacodynamics and toxicology of a compound hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent used in uterine cavity was studied .

    本文对 腔内应用复方止血消炎药( 简称 用药)进行了药效学和毒理学的实验研究。

  • The extra-uterine pregnancy refers to the fertilized egg outside uterine cavity spot like oviduct palace angle abdominal cavity ovary and so on place bed growth .

    宫外孕是指受精卵在 子宫 以外的部位,如输卵管、宫角、腹腔、卵巢等处着床发育。

  • The clinic value of transvaginal sonography accompanying with hysteroscope to diagnosing neoplasm in uterine cavity

    阴道超声和宫腔镜联合诊断 赘生物的临床价值

  • Clinical Study on Treatment of Benign Pathological Changes of Uterine Cavity by Hysteroscopy ; Optimal Time of First Initiatory Hydrotherapy of Sinus after Sinus Cleaning with Nasal Endoscope

    宫腔镜手术治疗妇科 腔内良性疾病的临床研究鼻内镜手术窦腔清理后首次鼻腔水疗的适宜时间

  • Uterine cavity infiltration anaesthesia ;


  • Clinical Value of Ultrasound Guided Curettage of Uterine Cavity

    超声引导下实时 清宫术在临床上的应用价值

  • None patients with benign lesion of uterine cavity relapsed after treated by hysteroscope .

    宫腔镜治疗 良性病变所致子宫出血无一例复发。

  • Pre-embryo transfer means all medical and laboratory procedures that are necessary to effectuate the transfer of a pre-embryo into the uterine cavity .

    “前胚胎移植”指完成前胚胎移植到 子宫 所必需的所有医学的实验室流程。

  • Conclusion The method of anaesthesia of uterine cavity was easier to operate and popular in community hospitals .

    结论 麻醉组便于操作和推广,适合在社区医院开展。

  • Effect of stuffing uterine cavity and improved uterine compression in hemorrhage of cesarean section


  • Application of combining misoprostol with Nylestriol in uterine cavity operation in postmenopausal women

    尼尔雌醇联合米索前列醇在绝经妇女 操作中的临床应用

  • Methods : 134 patients were examined by uterine cavity ultrasonography . The results were compared with those abdominal and transvaginal findings .

    资料与方法:对134例患者进行了 腔内超声扫描检查,并将其结果与经腹或经阴道超声做了对照。

  • Conclusions Uterine cavity and fallopian tube abnormalities were the important reason of female infertile .

    结论 子宫 及输卵管形态异常是不孕症的重要原因。

  • While the fluid is in the uterus a vaginal ultrasound is used to obtain a good view of the uterine cavity .

    子宫有液体的时候,超声阴道探头就能看清楚 子宫