use of evidence

[juz ʌv ˈɛvɪdəns][ju:z ɔv ˈevidəns]

[法] 证据的使用

  • From the legislation criminal procedural law and not for the use of oral evidence formulate specific provisions .

    从立法上看,《刑事诉讼法》并没有对言词 证据 运用作出具体规定。

  • Many scholars have recognized that the evidence of the subjective too strong the judge in the use of evidence to the fact that the subjective no restriction .

    很多学者认为,自由心证的主观随意性太强,法官在 运用 自由 进行事实认定时,主观上是没有限制的。

  • If the UK is to match the US it must reconsider the use of phone-tap evidence and its sentencing policy .

    如果英国想要赶上美国,就必须重新考虑电话窃听 证据 采信以及量刑政策。

  • Study of the Use of Character Evidence of the Accused in Criminal Procedure in the U.S.A

    美国刑事诉讼中被告人品格 证据 使用问题研究

  • In such applications the system does not require the achievement of continuous video surveillance but only on a single specific picture ( frame ) and the need for these images to video editing the use of evidence in order to facilitate security .

    在这些应用场合下,系统不需要实现连续的视频监控,而只是对某些特定的单一画面(帧)感兴趣,并需要对这些画面进行视频编辑,以利于安防 取证 用途

  • Meanwhile the parties involved substantive rights and procedural rights are impact including the use of evidence the applicable law conviction and sentencing but also affect the timeliness of cases and judicial management activities .

    同时对涉案当事人的实体权利和程序权利均产生影响,包括 证据 运用、法律适用、定罪量刑,还会影响到案件时效和司法管理活动。

  • It is the most important part to collect evidence make use of evidence to recurrence the fact of accidence in the proceeding of maritime investigation .

    在海事行政主管机关履行事故调查的工作中,如何收集、 运用证据重现事故发生的事实并 以认定事故发生的原因是整个事故调查工作的基础与核心。

  • Each stage of the proceedings can not do without the use of evidence from filing to the investigation from the prosecution to trial implementation .

    从立案到侦查,从审查起诉,到审判执行,每一个诉讼阶段都离不开 运用 证据

  • The use of evidence is the major content and means in dealing with drug crimes .

    证据 运用是查处毒品犯罪执法工作的主要内容和手段。

  • The book involves the use of evidence judge principles and skills .

    乃至该书中涉及到的 证据 运用,审判原则与技巧。

  • Nevertheless you continue to oppose the use of video evidence . Why is that ?

    尽管如此,您仍然反对 使用录像 取证,为什么呢?

  • The basic meaning refers to the sum of the evidence concepts types and the use of evidence rules .

    其基本涵义是指关于证据概念,种类及 运用 证据之规则的总和。

  • The First District Court of Appeals dismisses an appeal dealing with the use of evidence in a dog fighting case .

    第一区上诉法院驳回上诉处理中 使用 证据狗的战斗情况。

  • And then it exposes the theoretical basis by use of evidence from the following viewpoint of Dialectic Materialism Epistemological theory 、 Rational Judgment and the choice and balance of Legal Pluralistic Values .

    随后,从辩证唯物主义认识论、理性裁判主义、法律多元价值的选择和平衡三个方面论证了 运用 证据 认定 事实的理论基础。

  • Proceedings to prove the use of evidence is essentially a fact that has already occurred inquire awareness activities and therefore constitute evidence of the awareness campaign cornerstone .

    诉讼证明实质上是一种 运用 证据推求已经发生之事实的认识活动,因此证据构成了这项认识活动的基石。

  • Speaking to reporters here Wednesday evening General Hartmann addressed one of the main controversies surrounding the process the use of secret evidence .

    哈特曼将军星期三晚间在与媒体见面时谈到了整个审讯过程当中颇为引起争议的一个问题,那 就是保密 证据问题。

  • The second issue we see in several reports concerns the use of evidence to measure our results .

    我们在若干报告中看到的第二个问题涉及 运用 证据来衡量结果。

  • However HIA methodology has been criticized for a lack of rigour in its use of evidence .

    但是,由于HIA过程中 使用 证据不够严谨,这种方法因此遭到了批评。

  • Collection of electronic evidence is a prerequisite for the use of electronic evidence .

    收集电子证据是 运用电子 证据的前提。

  • Concerning the problem that it is difficult to determine the basic probability assignment during the use of D-S evidence theory a normal distribution curve was utilized to construct a similarity function followed by the acquisition of the basic probability assignment thus reducing subjectivity .

    而对于D-S 证据理论 应用中基本概率赋值难以确定问题,应用正态分布曲线构造相似度函数,继而得到基本概率赋值,减少了方法的主观性。

  • This article first addresses the development and use of evidence in the new accreditation processed by Western Association of Schools and Colleges in USA.

    本文首先介绍了新的评鉴哲学体系下,西部高校联盟评鉴委员会(WASC)在高校评鉴过程中 证据开发和 使用的原因。

  • But in view of the theoretical value of the character evidence and practice value in the concrete process of trial under the specific circumstances and . conditions the proper use of character evidence in criminal proceedings appears very necessary .

    但是又鉴于品格证据不可忽视的理论价值与在具体审判过程中被广泛运用的实践价值,在特定情形与条件下,在刑事诉讼中适当 运用品格 证据又显得十分必要。

  • Also due to the use of indirect evidence the ideas and framework of research are not easy to understand .

    同时,为了解决 研究中遭遇的内生性问题,本文 使用了侧面 证明的方式,这使得研究思路及逻辑架构不易理解。

  • The problem of evidence is the core issue of litigation in fact all litigation activities are progressing around the collection and use of evidence .

    证据问题是诉讼的核心问题,全部诉讼活动实际上都是围绕 证据的搜集和 运用而进行的。

  • The principle of common evidence is advantageous to the effective use of evidence sources and is helpful to disclose the facts of the case .

    证据共通原则在民事诉讼中的适用有利于 证据资源的有效 利用与案件事实的最大发现。

  • The contract of the collection and use of evidence as well as the burden of proof allocation can shorten the cycle of litigation .

    当事人 证据的采集、 运用和举证责任分配达成契约,可以减少 证明环节,缩短诉讼周期,提高诉讼效率。

  • Commercial bribery evidence has its own characteristics and also strong regularity and characteristics in the collection and use of the evidence .

    商业贿赂犯罪 证据有自身的特点,在收集和 运用上也 较强的规律性和特点。

  • The defence lawyers for six health workers who face execution in Libya are urging the international scientific community to campaign for the use of scientific evidence in their trial .

    6位在利比亚面临死刑的卫生工作者的辩护律师号召国际科学界参与到这一案件中,争取 使用科学的 证据

  • But pointing this out is just selective use of evidence to support a predetermined conclusion .

    但单单挑出这一点,不过是选择性地 运用 例证来支持某种预设的结论。

  • The fourth chapter on how to adopt a presumption rules of construction to alleviate the pressure on the use of evidence in bribery case studies .

    第四章是对如何通过推定规则的建构以缓解受贿案件 证据 运用压力的研究。