
[ˈjutərɪn, -təˌraɪn]['ju:təraɪn]


  • Objective To discuss the difference of uterine and ovary blood flow between infertility and normal women .

    目的探讨女性不孕患者 子宫卵巢动脉血流与正常人的差别。

  • Conclusion The development of human uterine leiomyoma would be related with abnormal apoptosis .

    结论细胞凋亡异常与 子宫肌瘤的发生发展有关。

  • Objective : To observe the clinical effect of mifepristone on dysfunctional uterine bleeding during peri-menopausal period .

    目的:观察米非司酮治疗围绝经期功能性 子宫出血的临床疗效。

  • Objective to analyze the clinical features and factors affecting the prognosis of uterine sarcoma with different histological types .

    目的探讨不同组织学类型的 子宫肉瘤的临床病理特点及影响预后的因素。

  • Objective Ligation of tubal uterine tubal adhesion of clinical effect .

    目的探讨输卵管结扎术中 子宫输卵管粘连的临床效果。

  • Consisting of the uterine body and horns the uterus serves several functions .

    子宫体和 子宫角组成,子宫有很多功能。

  • Conclusion The lack of uterine and ovary blood flow may be a factor contributing to infertility .

    结论 子宫卵巢动脉血流灌注不足是造成不孕症的一个重要因素。

  • Objective To study the therapeutic effect of uterine artery embolization of hysteromyoma with pinyangmycin and lipiodol emulsion .

    目的研究平阳霉素加超液化碘油乳剂经 子宫动脉栓塞治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效。

  • Objective : To evaluate the value of uterine artery embolization ( UAE ) for symptomatic hysteromyoma .

    目的观察 子宫动脉栓塞治疗症状性子宫肌瘤的临床效果。

  • Uterine Bleeding : ABnormal Bleeding from the uterus not related to menstruation .


  • They are used in a vaginal suppository causing uterine contractions to begin a few hours after insertion .

    它们是以阴道栓剂的形式使用,塞入几个小时后开始引起 子宫收缩。

  • Tubal ligation ; Uterine and tubal adhesion ; Clinical analysis .

    输卵管结扎术; 子宫输卵管粘连;临床分析。

  • Objective To investigate the clinical value of super-selective uterine arterial embolization for fibroid treatment .

    目的探讨经导管超选择性 子宫动脉栓塞术治疗子宫肌瘤的临床应用价值。

  • Effects of UAE and uterine fibroid surgery on ovarian function

    UAE和 子宫肌瘤手术对卵巢功能影响的研究

  • Objective : To investigate the ability of pregnancy of the patients with uterine fibroids after myomectomy .

    目的:探讨 子宫肌瘤患者行剔除术后对妊娠能力的影响。

  • It will help me maintain a hormonal balance but more important it will help prevent uterine cancer .

    这将有助于维持我的激素平衡,但更重要的是有助于预防 子宫癌。

  • Enormous uterine leiomyomas Magnetic resonance imaging Pathology Clinical ;

    巨大 子宫肌瘤;磁共振成像;病理;临床;

  • Application of uterine artery embolization in induced abortion with placenta previa


  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of uterus arterial embolization ( UAE ) in treating uterine leiomyoma .

    目的:了解 子宫肌瘤患者行子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)的治疗结果。

  • An electronic device that monitors fetal heartbeat and the mother 's uterine contractions during childbirth .

    中心频率未调制频率分娩时监视胎儿心跳和母体 子宫收缩频率的电子装置。

  • Conclusions Bilateral uterine arterial embolization is a safe and effective way to treat serious postpartum hemorrhage .

    结论双侧 子宫动脉栓塞治疗产后大出血是一种安全有效的治疗方法。

  • It is known to cause infertility as well as uterine problems in women and testicular cancer in men .

    众所周知,它能导致不孕症还对女性的 子宫构成危害,甚至还能引发男性的睾丸癌。

  • Methods : 53 cases of elderly uterine prolapse were performed comprehensively preoperative and postoperative nursing care .

    方法:对53例老年 子宫脱垂患者进行全面的术前术后护理。

  • Uterine arterial embolization ; Cesarean section ; Uterine scar parts pregnancy ;


  • Objective : To explore the nursing measure on vaginal hysterectomy in elderly uterine prolapse .

    目的:探讨老年 子宫脱垂阴式子宫切除术的护理方法。

  • The uterus consists of two uterine horns a body and a cervix .

    子宫是由两个 子宫角,一个子宫体和一个子宫颈构成。

  • This is because in different locations of the uterine fibroids have different symptoms .

    这是因为,长在不同位置的 子宫肌瘤会有不同的症状。

  • However Cuzco inserted mercilessly and the uterine ostium is exposed .

    然而无情和库斯科插入 子宫口暴露。

  • Objective To evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic value of hysteroscope in postmenopause uterine bleeding .

    目的评价宫腔镜对绝经后 子宫出血的诊断及治疗价值。