


  • Kinetic characteristics of valonia tannin biodegradation using natural microorganism groups were studied .

    研究了微生物 单宁的生物降解 能力

  • A Study on TiO_2 Photocatalytic Degradation of Valonia Extract

    TiO2光催化降解 栲胶的研究

  • Adsorption removal of copper from aqueous solution by oxidization modified valonia tannin

    氧化改性 单宁对铜离子溶液的吸附性

  • A preliminary study on the modification of Valonia extractives and its characteristics


  • Study on Approach and Mechanism of Biodegradation of Valonia Tannin


  • Fermentation Conditions of the Mold Producing Valonia Tannin Hydrolase


  • The degradation rate of valonia tannin in culture medium was significantly increased by acclimatizing the strain .

    在此 条件 该菌株驯化,有效提高了该菌株的 单宁降解率。

  • Condensed tannin-larch valonia and formaldehyde solution and dimethylamine water solution were used as raw material to complete the Mannich reaction for tannin modification and the production ( cationic tunnin named CAT ) was obtained .

    以缩合单宁&落叶松 栲胶为原料,用甲醛、二甲胺通过曼尼希反应对其中的缩合类单宁进行阳离子化改性,制得阳离子 单宁(CAT),优化了反应条件。

  • Preparation of ellagic acid from biodegradation of valonia tannin by multi-strain co-cultivation

    利用多菌种共培养降解 单宁制备鞣花酸

  • Based on the properties Valonia extract was used to reduce sodium dichromate for preparing a chrome - valonia tannin retanning agent in this experiment .

    利用这些性质,制备铬&橡 复鞣剂。