validity of civil law


  • To exert the most powerful validity of the Constitution strengthen the power restricting functions of civil law criminal law and administrative law are the effective means to carry out manipulating power by law .

    发挥宪法的最高 法律 效力,强化 民法、刑法、行政法以及程序法等对国家权力的制约作用,是我国实现依法治权的有效途径。

  • Except embodied to some extent in the Some Regulations Regarding the Reform of Civil and Commercial Hearings promulgated by our Supreme Court the status and validity of our witness testimony and other 6 kinds of civil evidences have not been differentiated in our Civil Procedure Law .

    我国民事诉讼 证人证言以及其他6种 民事证据的地位以及 证明力的 大小未作区分,仅在最高人民法院《关于民事经济审判方式改革问题的若干规定》中有所体现。

  • The contention about the validity of joint debt has a far - reaching influence on later 's civil joint and several liability in civil law system . According to traditional views majority debt only includes several debt and joint debt .

    罗马 把连带债务分为共同连带债和单纯连带债,关于连带债 效力的规定对后世大陆 法系 国家连带责任制度有重大影响。