value of import

[ˈvælju ʌv ˈɪmpɔrt][ˈvælju ɔv ˈimpɔ:t]


  • Eventually you will be prompted to enter a value for the output parameter of the ShippingService import ( it is being emulated ) .

    最后会提示您为ShippingService 导入(它是模拟的)的输出参数输入

  • An attribute value of the import namespace must match the imported targetNamespace value .

    导入命名空间的属性 必须与导入的targetNamespace值一致。

  • The total value of chemical import and export in the world reached 291 billion US dollars an increase of 10.6 % .

    在1984年,世界化工 产品 进出口贸易总额为 2910亿美元,增长10.6%。

  • Europe and America will focus on the development of products with high added value and high performance and gradually become regions of net import .

    今后欧美市场将致力于开发高 价值、高性能产品,而逐渐成为净 进口地区;

  • Chapter III Determination of Customs Value of Import and Export Goods

    第三章 进出口货物 完税 价格的确定

  • It raises an objection against ASTM D 4172 precision value and equipment requirement and adopts an attitude of negating to constantly import four-ball wear tester .

    本文对ASTMD4172精密度 和时设备的要求提供了异议。对继续 引进磨损四球机持否定态度。

  • Using the index of EIS unit value ratio of export and import RCA this paper compared the export situation export price and competitiveness of agricultural machines of China with those of India .

    本文运用了进出口相似度、 进出价格比、RCA指数等指标,对中印农机产品的出口状况、 进出口价格及竞争力进行比较。

  • Total value of import and export in 2002 reached 620.8 billion US dollars up 21.8 percent over the previous year .

    全年 进出总额达6208亿美元,比上年增长21.8%。

  • Following that this paper makes use of parameter-changed econometric model to measure the value and changes of contribution coefficient of both domestic and import intermediate input since open and reform then explores some possible aspects of raising value-added rate .

    接着本文利用变参数经济计量模型,测算了改革开放以来国内中间投入和 进口中间投入的贡献系数的 数值和变化情况,并就提高增加值率的可能方面进行了探讨。

  • The hryvnia has plunged 50 per cent in value this year ; international reserves are at barely six weeks of import cover half the level seen as a prudent minimum ; economic output is set to contract by at least 7 per cent this year .

    今年以来,格里夫纳已 贬值50%;乌克兰的外汇储备刚刚够支付6周的 进口需要,仅为审慎最低水平的一半;该国今年的经济产出将萎缩至少7%。

  • Make the text value of the element the name of the namespace that you want to import .

    将该元素的文本 设置为要 导入的命名空间的名称。

  • Marshall-Lerner condition holds that if the absolute value of a nation 's export flexibility plus that of import flexibility is bigger than one devalue of home currency can improve international balance of the nation .

    马歇尔勒纳条件认为,若一国的出口弹性与 进口弹性的绝对 之和大于1,则本币贬值可改善本国国际收支。

  • Enactment and quantification of value standard in agricultural product trade & A case of the Japanese import aquatic product

    农产品贸易中 价值标准设定与量化的探讨&以日本水产品 进口情况为案例

  • Secondly the order value for governmental intervention in the circulation of rural land is very import .

    第二,政府干预农村土地流转的秩序 价值非常 重要

  • As China is a country having a big value of foreign trade Chinese import and export enterprises are always involving in matters about cancellation of the contract of international sales of goods .

    我国作为一个外贸大国, 进出口企业经常 地会碰到国际货物买卖合同的解除问题。

  • Hyacinthus orientalis is a famous bulb plant with high ornamental value currently cultivated in many parts of China but the bulbs still import from the Netherlands .

    风信子是世界著名球根花卉,观赏 价值高,国内目前主要依赖从荷兰 进口种球。

  • The total commercial value of an import is assigned to a single country of origin as the good reaches customs .

    当一件 进口 商品抵达海关时,这件商品的全部商业 价值都会归到一个原产国名下。

  • Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

    进出口商品经营单位所在地 总值

  • Sino-Korea agricultural value of trade is growing gradually but the agricultural value of trade in the share of Sino-Korea import and export trade is low and declines year by year .

    中韩农产品贸易额在逐渐增长,然而其在中韩 进出口贸易 总额中所占比例却较低,并且在逐年下降。

  • The value of export was 325.6 billion US dollars up 22.3 percent and the value of import was 295.2 billion US dollars up 21.2 percent .

    其中,出口总额3256亿美元,增长22.3%; 进口 总额2952亿美元,增长21.2%。

  • The customs value of your shipment determines how much import duty you will have to pay .

    货件的报关 价值决定您必须付多少 进口关税。

  • In the first two months of this year the total value of import and export trade reached 1.24 billion US dollars increasing 6 % over the same period last year .

    今年前两个月, 进出口贸易 总额达十二点四亿美元,比去年同期增长百分之六。

  • These statistics reveal a rather startling shift away from self-employment to working for others . Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

    上述统计数字表明,从自体经营转向为别人工作的情况是相当惊人的。 进出口商品经营单位所在地 总值

  • We should simultaneously sign two contracts one sales contract for beef and mutton and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton . All import and export procedures in connection with this Contract shall be taken care of by Party B.

    我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是 等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。一切与本合同有关的 进出口手续,均由乙方办理。

  • Think that corporal punishment is modest or the sex value has three tiers of import the first tiers of import is the corporal punishment condensation .

    认为刑法谦抑性的 价值有三层 含义,第一层含义是刑法的紧缩性。

  • The ECIC 's total insured business in 1999 amounted to $ 23.08 billion representing an increase of 9.6 per cent over that in the previous corresponding period . Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

    一九九九年,信保局的受保出口总值达230.8亿元,较去年同期增加9.6%。 进出口商品经营单位所在地 总值

  • And because the very poorest countries in the world already have special access to the markets of the rich world the value of which would be reduced by a general cut in import tariffs they might actually lose out as a result of a deal .

    由于世界上最穷国家已获得进入富国市场的特别待遇, 进口关税全面下调将会减少这一待遇的 价值,实际上,这些国家可能会由于多哈协议而失败。

  • Inspection appraisal and certification on consignment of quality specifications quantity weight package damage value and technical conditions of shipment of import and export commodities .

    进出口商品品质、规格、数量、重量、包装、残损、 价值、装运技术条件的委托检验、鉴定和认证等业务。