


  • It is a valueless book for me .

    对我来说,这是一 没有用的书。

  • Now the shares you buy in the stock market are not scarce resource so they are valueless .

    现在你到股票市场上买的股票不是稀缺资源,所以不 值钱

  • Gaudy and showy but valueless .

    花哨的、浮华的但是 没有 价值

  • Our position is just to give it to us because it is valueless .

    我们的立场是直接将 这些 纸币交给我们,因为它们已经 毫无 价值了。

  • To the barbarian of the lower stage a slave was valueless .

    对于低级阶段的野蛮人来说,奴隶是 没有 价值的。

  • Because they took in poor students they graduated them on lower marks and so the degree became valueless .

    因为学生素质差,他们让分数低的学生毕业,使到学位变成 没有 价值

  • The local dump is a great place to look for such stuff because it is often perceived as valueless .

    在当地的垃圾场是一个伟大的地方看看这些东西,因为它往往被认为 毫无 价值

  • The necklace is valueless .

    这项链 不值

  • His comments were so general as to be nearly valueless .

    他的评述过于笼统,几乎可以 毫无 价值

  • That does not mean the exercise was valueless .

    这并不意味着此次对话没有 价值

  • A showy decoration that is basically valueless .

    基本上 没有 价值的一个浮华的装饰品。

  • It is all valueless anyway .

    因为不对全无 价值

  • The essay will be valueless unless you rewrite the conclusion .

    除非你把结论改写一下,不然这文章就 毫无 价值

  • The price of a security may move up or down and may become valueless .

    证券价格可升可跌,甚至变成 毫无 价值

  • Ouyang Zhongshi is a famous calligrapher in contemporary China his works is valueless .

    欧阳中石先生是中国当代著名的书法家,他的作品可以 一字千金

  • As we know that cultural heritage is one of the unrenewable valueless resources .

    摘要文化遗产是不可再生的 珍贵资源。

  • Such attitudes are valueless unless they reflect inner cognition and certainty .

    这种态度如果不能反映内心的认知和把握就 毫无 价值

  • These materials are now valueless to us .

    这些材料现在对我们 毫无 价值了。

  • The prices of mutual funds fluctuate sometimes dramatically and may become valueless .

    基金价格有时会非常波动,甚至变成 毫无 价值

  • Things of little or no value are valueless or worthless .

    价值甚微或毫无价值的东西 为。

  • The fairy said true ; in all her store there was but one gift which was precious only one that was not valueless .

    那个仙女说的没错啊,她所有的东西里只有一样是珍贵的,只有那么一样不是 毫无 价值的。

  • Cast off as valueless .

    作为 毫无 价值 东西 丢弃

  • The most valueless eight-letter word .

    没有 价值的八个字母。

  • The vase is valueless so he sold it at a low valuation . This is no longer a popular approach today-waiting for one year is too much .

    由于这个花瓶 没有 价值,他廉价卖了。这现在不是主流价值,这个太慢了。

  • The campaign however inspired was valueless without the muscle of an organisation behind it .

    这场运动不论如何深受鼓舞,如果没有一个强有力的组织作为后盾,也 毫无 价值

  • The Kuala Lumpur meeting was not entirely valueless .

    吉隆坡会议并非全然 没有 价值

  • His suggestion is valueless .

    他的建议毫无 价值