value engineering

[ˈvælju ˌɛndʒəˈnɪrɪŋ][ˈvælju ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ]


  • He is conversant with market research industrial structure analysis business policy analysis value engineering resource leveraging and market exploitation using Geographical Information System .

    他熟悉市场研发,工业结构和商业政策分析, 价值 工程运用,资源配置和管理以及运用地理信息系统辅助市场拓展;

  • Applications of Value Engineering in the Remoulding of Saltern Crane

    价值 工程在盐场吊车改造中的应用

  • A unique cost effectiveness model was developed employing the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) combined with the principle of value engineering .

    结合 价值 工程原理,将系统 工程中的层次分析法(AHP)引入到水处理 领域,建立了水质稳定药剂配方的性价比模型。

  • It has vital significance for enhancing the ship building and repairing technology to apply the value engineering which can improve the quality simultaneously to reduce the cost .

    价值 工程引入船舶修造中可在提高质量的同时降低成本,这对提高船舶的修造技术具有重要的意义。

  • Therefore applying value engineering in optimizing design programs can solve the control problems of project cost well and select out optimum design plan .

    因此, 价值 工程在设计方案优化中的运用能够很好地解决工程造价的控制问题,优选出最佳的设计方案。

  • We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method .

    使用负价值理论法和 价值 工程法可以对安全价值从量上进行初步评价。

  • Research on the Landscape Design of Small Town Based on the Value Engineering

    基于 价值 工程的小城镇旅游景观设计研究

  • The Research & Application of Value Engineering in the Energy-saving Design of the High-rise Building

    价值 工程在高层建筑节能设计中的应用研究

  • Research on Application of Value Engineering in the Design of Urban Rail Transit Projects

    价值 工程在城市轨道交通工程设计中的应用研究

  • Schematic design of the feed system based on value engineering theory

    基于 价值 工程在二次布料系统中的方案设计

  • Cost-benefit study of power marketing service management based on value engineering service

    基于 价值服务 工程的电力营销服务管理成本效益研究

  • The Application and Research of Value Engineering in the Hospital Construction

    价值 工程在医疗建筑项目中的应用与研究

  • The application of T685WS drilling machine to mine insurance relief and production is analysis by means of value engineering and the value comparison with common drilling machine is carried out .

    运用 价值 工程理论对T685WS钻机在矿山抢险救灾和生产中的应用进行分析,并与普通钻机进行价值比较,有利于对T685WS钻机的功能和应用进行初步定位。

  • The Application of the Value Engineering in reducing the purchasing costs of materials

    价值 工程在降低物资采购成本中的应用

  • This individual will participate in Value Engineering and other world-class practices to eliminate waste within our operations .

    这家个体将参加 价值 工程与其他世界级的做法,以消除浪费我们的行动。

  • Using Value Engineering Analysis theory author determines the target cost of the new product introduces the cost control strategy and process including price negotiation with suppliers .

    运用 价值 工程分析的理论提出新产品目标价格的标定方式来确定产品成本控制的目标,介绍了成本控制的策略和方法,包括价格谈判的技巧。

  • The value engineering methods are used in the remoulding of Huludao General Chemical Plant saltern crane after researches analysis and demonstrations .

    本文利用 价值 工程方法,通过调研、分析、论证,对葫芦岛化工总厂的盐场吊车进行了改造。

  • To Apply on Value Engineering in Planning and Programming of Project Construction

    价值 工程在工程施工组织设计中的应用

  • On Application of Value Engineering in Project Optimization Design

    浅析 价值 工程在项目优化设计中的应用

  • An Improved Method of Value Engineering and Its Application in Function Evaluation of Automobile Components

    一种改进的 价值 工程方法及其在汽车零部件功能评价中的应用

  • Sustainable City and Sustainable Buildings : Research and Application of Value Engineering in Development

    可持性城市与可持续建筑: 价值 工程在发展中的探讨与运用

  • Application of value engineering in optimum selection of architectural design schemes

    价值 工程在建筑设计方案优选中的应用

  • Cash flow analysis of SCM with value engineering ;

    供应链的现金流 价值 工程分析;

  • The cost control is then described through living examples and by using the value engineering method .

    此文通过工程实例,采用 价值 工程法,论述成本费用的控制。

  • Research on Optimal Sectioning of Feeders in Distribution Network Based on Value Engineering

    基于 价值 工程的配电网馈线优化分段的研究

  • Application of value engineering in determining the scheme of Wenzhou railway terminal

    价值 工程在温州铁路枢纽方案决策中的应用

  • So applying Value Engineering in the software design is one of the best ways to actualize the target of the software design .

    因此在软件设计阶段应用 价值 工程是实现软件设计目标的最好方法之一。

  • A Study on the Application of Value Engineering in the Planning and Design of the Harbor Engineering Program

    价值 工程在港口规划设计中的应用研究

  • The basic theory of value engineering and function of library was discussed .

    论文简述了 价值 工程的基本原理与高校图书馆的基本功能。