


  • Stroke volume ( SV ) cardiac output ( CO ) left ventricular ejection fraction ( EF ) and valva mitralis prlsed-wave rate of E / A were measured by traditional echocardiographic .

    采用传统超声心动图测量每搏输出量(SV)、心输出量(CO)、左室射血分数(EF)以及二尖瓣血流频谱 E/A比值;

  • The most common site of stenosis was in pulmonary valva .

    狭窄部位最常见为肺动脉 狭窄, 65.6% 21/32

  • Eight cases were repaired by the lingual valva with 20 % - 40 % muscular layer and three cases of soft plate were reconstructed by the tongue flap . All were successful .

    粘膜 面积20~40%带肌层的舌 修复的8例,以 软腭再造的3例,全部成功。

  • Clinical Analysis on 34 Cases with Valva Epithelial Nonneoplastic Pathology


  • Conclusion It is an effective and safe method to extract the corneal foreign bodies under corneal valva .

    结论角膜 内非 金属 异物 瓣膜下取出术 临床 观察,安全 可靠效果好,是一种新的方法。

  • Gracilis ( Gozm à ny ) but differs from the latter by the juxta with the caudal processes short and the valva with a broadly rounded apex in male genitalia . angle .

    gracilis( Gozm劋ny)近缘,但本种抱 末端宽圆,阳茎端基环的尾角短小,可与后者相区别。

  • In order to understand further right ventricular diastolic function in patient with EH the diastolic flow in tricuspid valva in 47 cases with EH were observed by Color Doppler .

    为了解高血压病患者早期右室舒张功能的状况, 应用彩色多普勒心脏超声,通过 测定三尖 舒张期血流 频谱 参数 检测高血压病患者右室舒张功能。

  • Methodes : Transposition operation in the deep sclera valva was carried on 21 cases . 32 eyes . of various glaucoma as operation group .

    方法 施行巩膜 下深层巩膜 转位术治疗21例 32只眼)各种类型青光眼作为手术组, 一组 病人 施行 梁切除术作为对照组。