valve clearance

[vælv ˈklɪrəns][vælv ˈkliərəns]


  • In the paper the method of power spectrum analysis to vibration signals collected from the surface of internal combustion engine is used to investigate signal valve faults in valve mechanism caused by the change of valve clearance .

    本文利用从内燃机表面拾取振动信号进行功率谱分析的方法,对配气机构单个 气门 间隙变化而产生的故障进行了分析研究。

  • Adjustment of the valve clearance and parking brake .

    驻车制动的调整及 制动 液位 检查等。

  • Urban Water Supply Pipe network of Computer Incidents Squib Valve Clearance


  • A New Analytical Method of the Principle for Adjusting Automotive Valve Clearance

    一种新的 气门 间隙调整原理分析法

  • A new method for quick adjustment of valve clearance is proposed based on the analysis of the mechanism of valve clearance adjustment on 4125 diesel engine .

    通过对4125柴油机气门间隙调整机理的分析,研究出一种快速调整 气门 间隙的方法。

  • Too much valve clearance causes a lag in valve timing causing engine valve train imbalance .

    气门 间隙过大会引起气门调时延迟,造成引擎气门组系不平衡。

  • Checking and Adjusting Valve Clearance of Middle and Small size Diesel Engines

    中小型柴油机 气门 间隙检查与调整

  • Study on Valve Timing and Fast Adjustment of Valve Clearance of Four-Stroke Internal Combustion Engines

    四冲程内燃机配气相位与快速调整 气门 间隙的研讨

  • An example in diesel valve fault diagnosis ( valve clearance and valve leakage ) has shown that this method can be used in fault diagnosis .

    利用这一特性对柴油机 气门 间隙和漏气故障进行了诊断,取得了满意的结果。

  • Fault Diagnosis of Engine Valve Clearance Based on Vibration Signal Analysis

    基于振动信号分析的发动机 气门 间隙异常诊断

  • Structure work principle and service and maintenance of the automatic valve clearance ad-juster are introduced .

    介绍了 气门 间隙自动调整器的结构、工作原理,以及其维护与保养。

  • Determination and Adjustment for Valve Clearance of Vehicle Engines

    车用发动机 气门 间隙的确定与调整

  • Some fault as : ignition timing not too thick or thin mixture the distributor platinum valve clearance adjustment screw loose the louder generally necessary adjustment can be eliminated .

    有些故障如点火不正时、混合气过浓或过稀、分电器白金 间隙不合适、 气门调整螺丝松动等造成的异响,一般进行必要的调整即可排除。

  • A Simulating Calculation on the Influence of Valve Clearance on the Gas Exchange Process in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine

    单缸柴油机 气门 间隙对换气过程影响的模拟计算

  • Outlet pressure and flow are normally controlled by adjusting valve clearance and it causes considerable energy waste . Frequency control of motor speed is a method of solving the problem .

    常规的通过调节 阀门 开启 来达到调节注水泵出口压力和流量的作法,会使很大一部分能量造成浪费,要解决这个问题,可以采取对注水泵进行调速的方法。

  • Owning to different distribution of cylinders and working angular interval it leads to adjusting valve clearance differently .

    由于发动机的各气缸分布不同,做功的间隔角不同,使其 气门 间隙的调整各有差异。

  • Improving the Assembly Process to the Washer for Adjusting the Valve Clearance in Diesel Engine by Measuring Tools

    借助量具改进柴油机 气门 间隙调整垫片装配工艺

  • It is an important work in automobile service and repair to adjust the valve clearance of engine .

    汽车发动机 气门 间隙调整是汽车使用和维修中经常进行的一项重要作业。

  • Application of combining wavelet transform and support vector machines on fault diagnosis for engine valve clearance

    小波包变换和支持向量机相结合在发动机 气门 间隙故障诊断中的应用

  • Adjusting Air Valve Clearance of Every Cylinder of Engine by Using Cylinder Working Order

    利用气缸工作顺序调整发动机各缸 气门 间隙

  • Then it is analysed systematically that the technology state of each assemblage of valve mechanism which includes valve group and valve transmission group . Therefore the diagnosis parameters of technology state of valve mechanism which are valve timing and valve clearance are determined .

    接着对配气机构气门组、气门传动组各组件的技术状态变化进行了系统分析,从而确定了配气机构技术状态诊断参数配气相位和 气门 间隙

  • Introduced methods on checking and adjusting valve clearance of cummins diesel engine pointed out that the methods are different from traditional ones analyzed adjusting injector by lift and torque how to influence the value of valve clearance .

    介绍了康明斯柴油机 气门 间隙检查调整的方法,指出了与传统柴油机调整方法的不同,同时分析了用升程法和扭矩法调整喷油器对气门间隙值的影响。

  • Neural network for identification of valve clearance of internal combustion engine

    用神经网络对内燃机 气门 间隙的识别

  • Design of valve clearance on downhole automatic quantitative liquid filling device

    井下自动定量加液器 间隙设计

  • Improvement in Vibration Diagnosis Method for Abnormal Valve Clearance of Diesel Engine

    柴油机 气阀 间隙异常振动诊断方法的改进

  • The causes of phase variation in air supply obtained after analysis are mainly errors in manufacture abuse in operation and errors in repair . Several adjusting methods for correct installation of timing gears inspection of meshing clearance of gear faces and adjustment of valve clearance are suggested .

    分析了配气相位变化的原因主要是制造误差、使用不当和修配误差等,提出了正确安装正时齿轮、检查齿面啮合间隙和调整 气门 间隙等几种调整方法。

  • Method of Monitoring Abnormal Valve Clearance for Diesel Engines

    柴油机 气阀 间隙异常监测方法

  • The proper valve clearance is very important for engine performance .

    正确的 气门 间隙对发动机正常运转、保持良好的性能是非常重要的。

  • Adopting the method of time domain and frequency range the breakdown characteristic signal is analyzed and the information of the abnormal state of valve clearance is obtained .

    并采用时域,频域的分析方法对故障特征信号进行分析,从而得到 气门 间隙异常状态的信息。