vector method

[ˈvɛktɚ ˈmɛθəd][ˈvektə ˈmeθəd]

[计] 向量法

  • This article presents the unit vector method for the full shaking force balancing of multi-loop spatial linkages .

    本文提出了多环空间连杆机构摆动力完全平衡的单位 向量

  • We discuss the first order linear differential equations with constant coefficients and give a new vector method of it .

    讨论一阶常系数线性微分方程组通解问题,给出一种新的 向量 解法

  • This practice shows that this scanning and vector method is convenient and practical .

    实践表明,该 方法是一种简便、实用的扫描 矢量方法

  • A New Vector Method of the First Order Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

    一阶常系数线性微分方程组的另一种 向量 解法

  • Then the forward and inverse kinematics of the hybrid-driven press is analyzed by using loop vector method .

    应用回路 矢量 对混合驱动压力机的正运动学、逆运动学进行了分析;

  • This paper proposes a spiral vector method used for electric circuit analysis .

    本文所论证的螺旋 ,是一种新的电路分析 方法

  • Stability Analysis of Slope Based on Vector Method Safety Factor

    基于 矢量 安全系数的边坡稳定性研究

  • We have two methods for analysing the motion directions of seismic waves namely analytics and vector method .

    分析震波位移方向有两种方法,即解析法和 矢量

  • Application of Complex Number Vector Method in Mechanism Motion and Simulation Analysis

    复数 矢量 在机构运动和仿真分析中的应用

  • Parametric values on the contact lines of disc cutter blade and the side surface cogwheel disc cutter blade and gear root surface are determined by using vector method .

    建立了斜齿圆柱齿轮侧面及齿根面的直角坐标方程式,应用 矢量 确定盘形铣刀齿刃与轮齿侧面及齿根面接触线上各点的参数值。

  • Implementation of Wedge Modeling System Based on Vector Method

    基于 矢量 的楔形体建模系统的实现

  • Program of vector method is introduced by rotor dynamic balance of emery wheel machine .

    通过砂轮机转子动平衡介绍了单平面平衡 矢量 的步骤。

  • Positive-return cam action forming die Implementation of Wedge Modeling System Based on Vector Method

    斜楔作用确定回程成形模基于 矢量 的楔形体建模系统的实现

  • Using the vector method to analyse and solve kinematics of the crank-pilot bar mechanism thus established the kinematical mathematic model of the crank-pilot bar mechanism .

    为了求解曲柄导杆机构的运动学规律,运用 矢量 进行了分析,建立了曲柄导杆机构的运动学数学模型。

  • The displacement damage location vector method in structural damage location detection

    结构损伤位置识别的位移 DLV 方法

  • Study on joint positions of leg mechanism in Hexapod Walking Robots based on closed loop vector method

    基于闭环 矢量 的六足机器人关节位姿研究

  • Establish displacement vector equation of mechanism using vector method to infer the speed and the acceleration vector equation .

    运用 矢量 建立机构的位移矢量方程,推导出速度、加速度矢量方程。

  • Aiming at the generation of abnormality random sequence in simulating process this paper presents the random vector method and table lookup method to make the zero-memory nonlinear transform .

    针对仿真过程中非正态随机序列的产生,提出用随机 向量 和查表法进行零记忆非线性变换。

  • The Kepler problem is solved by vector method and without the Binet equation .

    直接利用 矢量 解法求解开普勒问题,不必借助于比奈方程。

  • Discussion about the Usage of Vector Method to Diagnosis Microcomputer Differential Protection for Transformer

    向量 诊断变压器微机差动保护的探讨

  • Analysis of Transient Response of Flexible Jeffcott Rotor ; The results show that the vector method of single plane is valid .

    单盘转子不平衡的瞬态动力响应分析通过砂轮机转子动平衡介绍了羊平面平衡 向量 的步骤。

  • Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose . The Kepler problem is solved by vector method and without the Binet equation .

    没有什么力量比矢志不移的决心更能镇定人的心灵了!直接利用 矢量 解法求解开普勒问题,不必借助于比奈方程。

  • Delay Quantization over Networks Inducement and Augmented Plant Vector Method

    网络诱导延迟的量子化和增广对象 向量 方法

  • And based on it bring forward a simple voltage space vector method .

    在此分析的基础上提出了一种简单的电压空间 矢量 算法

  • The research of mechanical kinematic scheme design system based on state vector method

    基于状态 向量 表示 的机械运动方案设计系统的研究

  • The kinematics mathematic model of lifting mechanism of vehical tail-lift is built by plural vector method .

    采用复数 向量 建立了车用起重尾板起重装置运动学的数学模型,分析了该举升机构运动的特点。

  • This paper uses state vector method to solve the three-dimensional consolidation problems of a poroelastic layered rock by taking into account the compressibility of pore fluid .

    采用状态 空间 求解层状可压缩岩基的三维固结问题。

  • Simulation of simple harmonic vibration by flash movie technology and rotational vector method

    用Flash动画和旋转 矢量 模拟简谐振动

  • In this paper a new method for earthquake prediction called aftershock vector method is discussed .

    提出了一种预测地震的新方法&地震余震 向量 线