vector ring

[ˈvɛktɚ rɪŋ][ˈvektə riŋ]


  • The materials from examinations were analysed and compared . The author suggested that changes of T vector ring and ST vector could be acted as a non invasive simple and sensitive method to diagnose CHD early .

    对检查资料比较分析后,作者提出,心电 向量T 改变及ST向量可以作为冠心病早期诊断的一种简捷、敏感的无创检查方法。

  • According to the vector potential of a current-carrying ring and the superposition theorem of the field the series solutions for the magnetic fields of a solenoid wired with thin wire are obtained in this paper .

    利用圆电流 势和磁场的叠加原理,导出了细导线密绕 螺线管磁场的级数表达式。

  • Some Characteristics of a Left Vector Space Over Divison Ring

    上左 向量空间的若干性质