vector processor

[ˈvɛktɚ ˈprɑsˌɛsɚ][ˈvektə ˈprɔsˌesə]


  • Vector processor based on VIM architecture is a cost effective solution in science computing and media processing etc domains .

    基于VIM体系结构的 向量 微处理器可为科学计算、多媒体处理等领域提供性能高、功耗低、性价比高的解决方案。

  • Research and Design of the Key Technologies of a 32-bit Image Vector Processor

    32位图像 向量 处理器关键技术研究与设计

  • The working principle and use method of AC vector processor AD2S100 were introduced .

    介绍了交流 矢量 微处理器AD2S100的工作原理和使用方法。

  • Based on the conception of vector control the AC vector ( AD2S100 ) processor serving for AC motor vector control is applied to HF rectification .

    该方案基于矢量控制的思想,把用于交流电机矢量 调速的集成芯片( AD2S100)应用到高频整流领域,使得控制电路大为简化。

  • Presented the implementation of the column eliminating-ahead parallel algorithm for Givens orthogonal reduction including the determination of the number of the main processor the formation of the control vector on the main processor the domination of the column eliminating-ahead through the control vector etc.

    介绍了Givens正交三角化列超前并行消去算法( CEAP算法)的实现方法和计算过程,包括确定主台台号,在主台形成控制 向量,通过控制向量控制列超前 并行消去等。

  • Design of a vector processor

    一台 高速 向量 的设计

  • Before cluster-based computing the typical supercomputer was a vector processor that could typically cost over a million dollars due to the specialized hardware and software .

    在基于集群的计算技术出现之前,典型的超级计算机都是 向量 处理器,由于它们全部采用专用的硬件和软件,因此成本通常会超过一百万美元。

  • Research and Realization of technique for space vector PWM based on digital signal processor

    基于DSP高速信号 处理器的空间 电压 矢量PWM技术的研究与实现

  • This thesis has focused on key technologies of vector processor based on VIM .

    本文研究了基于PIM技术的 向量 微处理器相关关键技术。

  • Based on the vector processing technique and the characteristics of crypto processing we carried out our study on the design of efficient and flexible general crypto processor architecture .

    本文以 向量 微处理器结构作为研究方向,结合密码的应用特点,研究能够高效灵活实现各类密码处理的通用密码 处理器

  • Based on the study of PIM and vector processing technology we have studied the VIM architecture and implemented vector processor in memory KD-VIM-1 . This thesis focus on the key technologies of embedded memory system of VIM architecture .

    课题在研究PIM技术与向量处理技术的基础上,对VIM体系结构进行了研究,验证实现了存储器内置 向量 处理器&KD-VIM-1。

  • Based on our study of traditional in-order decoupled and out-of-order architectures we proposed the VIM vector processor architecture which adopts an improved decoupled architecture and distributed register file .

    在对已提出的顺序、分离及乱序执行等体系分析比较的基础上,提出了VIM 向量 处理器的体系结构并实现了基于VIM体系结构的 向量 微处理器KD-VIM-1。

  • Parallel computers have developed from the big special vector computer to the parallel mutiple processor and now to the more popular cluster of workstation .

    并行计算机从以前的大型专用 向量机,发展到并行多 处理器 系统,以及现在比较流行的工作站机群系统。

  • However the point of the SPU is not to do operations on128-bit values . Instead the processor is a vector processor .

    但是,SPU的主要用处并不是进行128位值的操作,它是一个 向量 处理器

  • Vector processor systems deliver high performance and were the dominant HPC architecture in the1980s and early1990s but clusters have become far more popular in recent years .

    向量 处理器系统的性能很高,在20世纪80年代到90年代早期一度在HPC体系架构中占有统治地位,但是最近几年以来,集群变得更加流行了。

  • With the development of the Vector Transformation Micro Processor Power Semiconductor and the reduction of PMSM cost AC servo has become more popular .

    随着 矢量变换理论的提出,以及 微处理器技术、新型功率半导体元件、电动机永磁材料的发展和成本的降低,交流伺服电动机得到越来越广泛的应用,交流伺服系统已成为当今发展的主流。

  • For the sake of fast and accurate control of induction motor design the adaptive flux controller and speed controller based neuron for the induction motor vector control using digital signal processor realize the adaptive control using the capability of neuron self-study adjusting the weight online .

    为实现对交流电机快速和精确控制,本文基于单神经元设计出用于感应电机 矢量控制的自适应磁链和转速 控制器,利用神经元的自学习功能在线调节连接权重,实现自适应控制。

  • This paper presents a method which can realize vector control system based on dual digital signal processor . The system structure and method for designing the software and hardware are introduced .

    提出了一种基于双数字信号 处理器 矢量控制系统实现方案,介绍了系统结构及软硬件设计方案。

  • The super-scalar processor and the VLIW processor have some performance limitation while compared with them vector processor can exploit data-level parallelism in application and develop higher performance .

    相对于当前超标量和超长指令字处理器的局限性而言, 向量 处理器从开发数据级并行方面提供更高的性能。

  • The paper develops automatic control system with vector mixing on basis of single - chip processor by ultrasonic detection and variable-frequency technique which overcome influence of environment temperature alternation to emulsion concentration .

    运用超声波检测技术和变频技术,开发了基于 单片 计算机 矢量配比自动控制系统。克服了因环境温度变化对乳化液的浓度造成的影响。

  • Implementation of Kalman filtering algorithms for micro-computer distance protection on a vector signal processor

    使用 向量信号 处理器完成卡尔曼滤波算法的微机距离保护