utmost good faith

[ˈʌtˌmost ɡʊd feθ][ˈʌtməust ɡud feiθ]


  • By expounding the principle of utmost good faith comparatively completely the thesis aims to do some benefit to the legislation of insurance law .

    本文旨在对保险的 最大 诚信原则进行较为全面的论述,以期对完善我国的保险立法有所裨益。

  • And utmost good faith and making and application of law are interaction viewed in the relationship of modern economy and legal institution .

    从现代经济与法制的关系考察, 诚信与法的制定和运行是互动的。

  • The chapter two in this thesis compare the legislation of the principle of utmost good faith between in England and in China so as to the England legislation can be beneficial to our country .

    第二章通过比较分析的方法,将在海上保险中国际上比较认可的英国法有关 最大 诚信原则的规定和我国立法规定做一比较分析,以期对我国立法能有所裨益。

  • This paper has discussed the contents of utmost good faith when a marine insurance contract is performed under Chinese law against the background of English law .

    本文结合英国法中的相关观点和判例,对我国法律下海上保险合同履行过程中的 最大 诚信 原则应包含的具体内容进行了探讨和研究。

  • Parties to an insurance contract are required to exercise the utmost good faith and disclose all relevant matters to each other .

    保险合同双方当事人都应该 最大 善意,并且想到披露所有的相关事实。

  • However laws and precedents with respect to the Utmost Good Faith duty of marine insurer have still seldom been focused on by academic study all over the world .

    但被保险人的 最大 诚信义务往往占据了这一原则在立法与司法实践中的主导地位,各国学术讨论与理论研究也多未涉及该原则对保险人的具体要求。

  • In theory their understanding of the principle of utmost good faith is deepened and its nature status and function are analyzed .

    从理论上深化对 最大 诚信原则的认识,对其本质、地位、功能进行进一步的剖析。

  • In chapter two we describe the connotation of the principle of good faith and utmost good faith respectively point out the connotation is in the process of continuous development and discuss the distinctions and connections .

    第二章分别叙述了诚信原则及 最大 诚信原则的内涵,指出其内涵处于不断发展的过程,并讨论了两者的区别与联系。

  • The author thinks the utmost good faith doctrine has developed into the fundamental principles of the overall maritime law from the fundamental principles of maritime insurance law and given a further analysis about it in maritime law .

    笔者认为在海商法中, 最大 诚信原则已经从海上保险法的根本原则上演变发展为统筹海商法的基本原则,并对此作了进一步的分析。

  • Secondly the thesis puts it emphasis on that the principle of utmost good faith shall bind all the parties of the insurance contract .

    其次文章从两条脉络阐述了保险 最大 诚信原则在保险法中的 表现。一是论述了 最大 诚信 原则 保险合同的各当事人的约束。

  • To study excepted liability should take the principle of utmost good faith as the prerequisite .

    然而对除外责任制度的研究却需要以 最大 诚信原则为前提。

  • Utmost Good Faith principle is the fundamental principle of insurance is the basis for the existence of insurance and an inevitable requirement .

    最大 诚信原则是保险法的首要原则,是保险存在的基础和必然要求。

  • Doctrine of utmost good faith : a person buying insurance is held to the highest standard of honesty in dealing with the insurer .

    原则:就是讲 诚实,守信用,双方如实公布与保险有关的情报,严格履行义务。

  • The modern market economy is built on the credit foundation and particularly on the insurance market that takes utmost good faith as the principle credit looks more important .

    论文的主要内容及观点现代市场经济是建立在信用基础上的经济,尤其在以 最大 诚信为原则的保险市场上,信用显得更为重要。

  • The author also studies the dual principal-agent problems between the insurance salesperson with the applicant and the insurer separately and constructs a simple model with an infinite horizon to analyse the conditions on which the insurance salesperson performing the duty of the utmost good faith and work hard .

    文中分析了保险销售从业人员分别与投保人和保险商间的双重委托-代理问题,建立简要模型分析了在无穷视野下,保险销售从业人员履行 最大 诚信义务并付出高努力行动的约束条件。

  • Being an important principle of the insurance law the principle of utmost good faith has not been established in the insurance law and it will definitely influence the legal practice of insurance cases .

    然而 最大 诚信原则作为保险法的重要原则在我国涉及保险的各项法律中都没有被确立,这样显然会影响保险立法的科学性和法律适用的正确性。

  • The principle of utmost good faith is the most basic principle of marine insurance practice .

    最大 诚信原则是海上保险实践的一项最基本的原则。

  • We discuss on the principle of good faith in the labor contract law in the form of new development - the principle of utmost good faith .

    探讨了诚信原则在劳动合同法中新的发展形式& 最大 诚信原则。

  • Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties to exercise the utmost good faith .

    海上保险合同属于赔偿合同,要求双方当事人尽到 最大 善意 义务

  • In this part using the state-space diagrams and the game theory we study the effects of risk classfication and rate regulation principle of utmost good faith insurance fraud etc.

    本部分分别运用状态空间图和博弈理论研究了风险分类和费率监管的效应、 最大 诚信原则和保险欺诈等问题。

  • Apply the principle of utmost good faith to insurance business

    最大 诚信原则在保险实务中的运用

  • The insurance contract is based on the principle of utmost good faith .

    保险合同是 最大 诚信原则的 体现

  • At present there appears serious market failure in Chinese insurance market . On one hand some insurers and their agents violate the principle of utmost good faith which result in public confidence crisis and restrain the further exploitation of the insurance market ;

    当前,我国保险市场出现了较严重的市场失灵,一方面某些保险人及其行为代理人违背 诚信原则,引起了公众的信任危机,抑制了保险市场的进一步拓展;

  • He is required to exercise the utmost good faith loyalty and honesty toward his principal .

    他被要求以对本人 最大 善意、忠诚以及诚实来行使代理权。

  • Issues of the principle of utmost good faith ( including liability of disclosure representation and notice );

    关于 最大 诚信原则规定(包括告知、说明义务和通知义务)的修改思考;

  • Balancing Your Life Furthermore disclosure is also required by the principle of the utmost good faith .

    同时,告知也是 最大 诚信原则和对 平衡原则的要求。

  • The uncertainty nature of aleatory contract determines that the principle of utmost good faith should be applied .

    射聿合同的射幸性决定了其订立必须遵循 最大 诚信原则。

  • The first principle of insurance contract is utmost good faith ;

    保险合同首要原则是 最大 诚信原则,保险合同双方都 必须 遵守这个原则。

  • On the basis of the principle of utmost good faith the paper introduces the concept of proportion and estoppel as well as the concept of prudent insurer in order to improve the justice system to protect the interests of both sides of the insurance contract .

    最大 诚信原则的基础上,引入比例主义、弃权和禁止反言等制度,以及谨慎保险人概念,从而更好的完善如实告知义制度,保护保险合同双方利益。

  • Firstly the thesis expounds the nature function and evolution of the principle of good faith and then compares the principle of good faith and the principle of utmost good faith .

    本文首先论述了诚信原则的本质、功能、及其历史沿革,然后比较了 最大诚信原则与 诚信原则的关系。