


  • Objective To quantify aqueous flare and cells in the eyes of patients with inflammation of anterior uvea by FC-2000 laser flare cell meter ( LFCM ) and to compare these results with those obtained with slit lamp microscopy .

    目的探讨激光蛋白细胞检测仪定量测定前 葡萄膜炎患者房水闪辉和炎性细胞的临床应用价值。

  • Quantitative determination of aqueous flare and cells in the eyes of patients with inflammation of anterior uvea


  • Epidemiological survey on uvea disease in leprosy

    麻风 葡萄 病的调查研究

  • The amount of anterior chamber fluid recovered in anterior uvea anterior sclera and fluid was higher in bilateral eyes both in control and PZ group .

    对照组和PZ组双眼的前房 再现量均 以前 葡萄 、前巩膜和 残余液体为多。

  • Study of Latanoprost and Unoprostone on the expression of MMP-2 in monkey and Rabbit Uvea

    Latanoprost及 Unoprostone对兔及猴 葡萄 MMP-2表达影响的研究

  • Each bomb explosion caused obvious reaction in blood vessel of uvea and retina edema and degeneration as well as the changes of ultrastructure in retina .

    眼部出现了显著的 葡萄 和视网膜血管 扩张、血细胞 淤积,以及视网膜水肿、变性和超微结构改变, 组动物的 眼部伤情依次减轻。

  • Pathologically there were corneal edema vascular dilatation and congestion of the uvea and retina even retinal detachment occurred .

    病理发现,角膜水肿, 葡萄 和视网膜血管扩张充血,甚至出现视网膜脱离。

  • Objective : To determine the prevalence and characteristics of the uvea disease in leprosy .

    目的:了解麻风 葡萄 病的特点和患病情况。

  • Pathologically there was an unclosed eyeball caused by a poorly healed incision with incarceration of uvea tissue besides the characteristics of SO .

    病理 变化除了具有 感性眼炎特征性的 病变外,还具有手术切口由于 葡萄 组织 嵌入而愈合不良,未能保证眼球的完整及密闭状态。

  • There were no severe complication as corneal edema high intraocular pressure expulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage detachment of ciliary body and uvea vitreous opacity and proliferation retinal detachment cystoid degeneration of macula and so on .

    术后无角膜水肿,眼压高,脉络膜上腔出血, 状体脉络 脱离,玻璃体浑浊、增殖,视网膜脱离,黄斑囊样水肿等严重并发症的发生。

  • Of or relating to the uvea of the eye .

    属于或关于 眼色

  • Conclusion : The uvea disease in leprosy could be caused either by direct invasion of the M. leprae or type-II reaction .

    结论: 麻风 葡萄 病可因麻风杆菌直接侵犯,也可由II型麻风反应引起。

  • Retinal vasculitis is a kind of intraocular inflammation disease with retina blood vessels taking the inflammation changes of retina uvea and vitreous as its main features and we can often see the bleeding of eye ground and the white sheathing of blood vessels .

    视网膜血管炎是一大类累及视网膜血管的眼内炎症性疾病,以视网膜、 葡萄 和玻璃体的炎症改变为主要特征,常见眼底反复出血和血管白鞘。