vehicle currency

[ˈviɪkəl ˈkɚrənsi][ˈvi:ɪkl ˈkʌrənsi]


  • On May 17 China launched the first over-the-counter financial derivative vehicle bond forward trading in the inter-bank bond market . The RMB-foreign currency swap an inter-bank forward foreign exchange product is also expected to be launched in the 2nd half of this year .

    2005年5月17日,我国在银行间债券市场推出了第一个场外金融衍生 产品&债券远期交易,下半年还将推出银行间远期外汇交易、人民币对 外币掉期等金融衍生产品。

  • It attempted to use the forum as a vehicle for global rebalancing – specifically pressing China to let its currency rise and reducing trade surpluses and deficits .

    美国试图把这个论坛作为 推动全球再平衡的 工具&尤其是要迫使中国允许 人民币升值,以及力争减少贸易顺差与赤字。

  • Foreign exchange market is not only the realization vehicle of freely convertible currency regulating supply and demand of foreign exchange and forming the foreign exchange rate of market but also the main platform to implement risk management of foreign exchange rate and fiscal policies collocation .

    外汇市场是实现 货币自由兑换、调节 外汇供求关系和形成市场化汇率的重要场所,同时也是在开放经济条件下实施汇率风险管理以及形成宏观金融政策有效搭配的主要平台。

  • China does not yet have the legal framework to allow a viable onshore structure so all international funds and even most Chinese-owned and operated funds are set up using an offshore investment vehicle and foreign currency .

    目前,中国尚不具备允许设立可行的在岸交易结构的法律框架,因此所有跨国基金、甚至多数由中国人拥有并运营的基金,都是通过利用离岸投资 工具 外币设立的。