vegetative reproduction

[ˈvɛdʒɪˌtetɪv ˌriprəˈdʌkʃən][ˈvedʒitətiv ˌri:prəˈdʌkʃən]


  • The morphology characteristics of Catharanthus roseus were divided into vegetative growth characters sexual reproduction growth characters and asexual growth characters . And asexual growth of the plant as life cycle characters which reflected on its life cycle process was listed separately .

    长春花外部形态特征按生活史过程分为 营养生长性状、有性 生殖性状及无性生长性状,无性生长作为反映长春花生活史过程的一个生活史性状单列出来。

  • The Influence of Different AM Fungi Inoculation on the Vegetative Growth and Reproduction of Tomato

    不同AM真菌菌种对 番茄生长 发育的影响

  • Horticultural plants are prone to infected by various virus during long term vegetative reproduction which have blocked the growth and development of horticultural plants and reduced their economy value hence great importance have been attached to the prevention and treatment of virus disease in the world .

    摘要园艺植物在长期 营养 繁殖过程中易感染各种病毒病害,严重威胁了园艺植物的生长发育,降低经济价值,目前世界各国对病毒病害的研究和防治都极为重视。

  • Effect of some animal hormones on the vegetative growth and sexual reproduction of Phytophthora capsici

    动物激素对辣椒疫霉菌 营养生长及有性 生殖的影响

  • The new plant forms new bulbs in vegetative reproduction .


  • In flowering differentiation ( transforming from Vegetative growth to sexual reproduction ) GA_3 played an inhibition role while IAA and ABA played a promotion role .

    在长春花花芽分化即 营养生长向有性 生殖转变的过程中,内源激素GA3起抑制作用,而ABA和IAA起促进作用。

  • Tomato plants were inoculated with 5 AM fungi in seedling trays in order to compare the influence of different AM fungi species on vegetative growth and reproduction after transplanting .

    在育苗盘中对番茄接种5种AM真菌菌种,比较不同菌种对移栽后 番茄 营养生长和 生殖 生长的影响。

  • In addition vegetative reproduction efficiency ( 19.46 % ) was higher than that of on 2.93 % .

    此外,藏嵩草 营养 繁殖效力也远高于 有性 繁殖效力, 营养 繁殖效力占总 繁殖效力的83.46%(167)。

  • Certain indexes of vegetative and reproductive organs of 47 individuals of Veronica persica were measured for understanding the contribution of vegetative growth to its sexual reproduction .

    以随机采集的47株波斯婆婆纳为测试材料,对其营养器官和繁殖器官的有关指标进行测量,探讨其 营养生长对有性 繁殖的贡献。

  • The parameters of the vegetative growth the clonal reproduction and the sexual reproduction of the natural fertilizable drought stress and pruning stress conditions were analyzed by the principal component analysis ( PCA ) and the life cycle forms are determine by score proportion of PCA .

    将正常生长与施肥、干旱和剪枝后的长春花 营养生长、有性生殖、克隆 生殖形态学参数进行主成分分析,根据主成分得分比例划分生活史型。

  • Artificial vegetative reproduction and plantation technique for Elodea nuttallii and six other species of submerged plants

    伊乐藻等水生高等植物的快速 营养 繁殖 技术和栽培方法

  • The life cycle of the spore plant can be classified as : ( 1 ) vegetative propagation ( 2 ) asexual reproduction ;

    孢子植物的生活史可归纲为七种类型:(1)只有 营养繁殖;(2)只有无性 生殖

  • The feeding and vegetative reproduction diurnal rhythms of Noctiluca SCINTILLAS

    夜光藻摄食和 营养 繁殖的昼夜节律

  • The effects of vegetative growth on the sexual reproduction of Veronica persica from two different habitats with different densities

    两种密度条件下阿拉伯婆婆纳 营养生长对其有性 繁殖的影响

  • The deep-plowing soil could promoted vegetative growths of Glycyrrhiza uralensis and increased efficiency of sexual reproduction obviously ; at the same time it induced some inhibitory actions on organs of asexual reproduction to some extent . 3 .

    对土壤进行深翻可促进甘草的植株 营养生长,并显著提高有性 生殖效率,但对无性生殖器官的发育具有一定的抑制作用。

  • Since no multiplication take place as a result of the vegetative cell-spore-vegetative cell cycle few bacteriologists accept the concept of the spore as a cell set apart for reproduction .

    因为“ 营养细胞芽孢营养细胞”循环的结果不产生增殖作用,所以几乎没有细菌学家认为芽孢是一种分开来供 繁殖用的细胞。

  • Vegetative growth of cucumber is nearly equal to its reproduction growth in fruiting early stage .

    结果初期, 营养生长与 生殖生长接近于平衡,是黄瓜群体与早期产量的主要形成期。

  • Characteristics of Vegetative Growth of Veronica persica and Their Contribution to Its Sexual Reproduction

    波斯婆婆纳 营养生长特点及其对有性 繁殖贡献

  • The number of seeds that the vegetative propagation provides is relatively fewer but it can undertake cottage reproduction in spring summer and autumn and the living rate of cottage reproduction is relatively higher .

    无性繁殖能提供的种苗数量相对较少,但春、夏、秋三季都可以进行扦插 繁殖,扦插繁殖的成活率也比较高。

  • There are two distinct reproductive characters in Kobresia : Main vegetative reproduction system through the rhizomes and secondary facultative system through restoring sexual reproduction .

    嵩草属植物具有两个显著的繁殖特点:发达的地下根茎 营养 繁殖系统和兼性的次级有性恢复系统。

  • The relations between vegetative growth and reproduction in artificial Pinus tabulaeformis population

    人工油松种群生长与 生殖 分配关系的研究

  • The variations of morphological characters of vegetative organs asexual reproduction organs and sexual reproduction organs of wild liquorice semi-wild liquorice and cultivated liquorice exhibited apparently difference which was closely related to artificial disturbance .

    野生甘草、半野生甘草和栽培甘草的 营养 、无性 生殖和有性生殖器官的形态学性状差异比较明显,与人为扰动程度密切相关。