


  • Crin vegetal agglomerated with mineral binders in panels boards tiles blocks etc


  • High-efficiency additive containing MgO flux is consist of active MgO and one glue of vegetal glair .

    高效镁质添加剂是由高活性氧化 镁粉和一种 植物蛋白胶体构成。

  • Richly contains vegetal protein and moisturizing ingredients the product features outstanding effect in refreshing skin sterilizing and stopping itch without damaging the skin .

    含丰富 植物蛋白质及滋润保湿成份,具有清爽、杀菌止痒,不损肌肤的独特作用。

  • NaCl Coercion to Pugionium Gaertn . Plant Seedling Different Vegetal Period Physiology Foundation Influence

    NaCl胁迫对沙芥属植物幼苗不同 生长期生理基础的影响

  • The inpocketed vegetal pole cells develop into a sheet of cells which grows upward and eventually encloses a cavity the archenteron .

    内褶的 植物极细胞生成一片向上生长的细胞,并最后围成一个腔,即原肠。

  • Ingredients : pure olive essential oil Swiss snow lotus American ginseng wild lily vitamin E vegetal sunscreen factor etc.

    成份:清纯橄榄精油、瑞士雪莲花、西洋参、野百合、维他命E、 植物防晒剂等。

  • Animal pole : The portion of an egg opposite the vegetal pole that contains the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm .

    动物性极:与包含细胞核和多数细胞质的 植物 极相对的卵的部分。

  • Contains vegetal active soothing factor linseed vegetal anti-freezing compound allantoin cornflower & so on .

    蕴含 植物活性抗敏分子、麻仁、物抗冷冻合成物,尿囊素、车菊等。

  • The relation of Riverine wetlands dimension and land use condition climate vegetal cover water environment .

    定性分析和定量揭示了近十年来北京河流湿地变化与周边土地利用变化、气候 因子变化及河流湿地 植被 多样 之间的关系。

  • Leafy : Describes the slightly herbaceous vegetal quality reminiscent of leaves .

    叶子般的:形容轻微的草本 植物的性质令人想起叶子。

  • Efficiency : Contain powerful hydrating vegetal essence design for Asian dry skin cleanse skin optimize skin texture and prepare for skin moisturizing .

    功效:蕴含强效补水 植物成分, 为亚洲干性肤质而设计,清洁肌肤改善肌理的同时,为滋润步骤做好准备。

  • Regions rich in vegetal products ; vegetational cover ; the decaying vegetative layer covering a forest floor .

    盛产 植物产品的地区;植被;腐烂的植物叶子覆盖了森林的地表。

  • Methods : Research the yield of radix cyathulae in different vegetal time by using experiments of the drying rate and mensuration on weight of individual plant .

    方法:采用折干率实验及单株重测定,研究不同 生长期川牛膝的产量;

  • The characteristics and culinary application of the edible vegetal spices

    天然食用 植物香料的特点和烹调应用

  • Based on the vegetal state and the inherent mechanical characteristics of sugarcanes in field a physical model of sugarcane growth was established in this paper by the FEM technology by which a virtual interacting system of sugarcane harvester vs. sugarcanes was developed .

    根据甘蔗田间 生长的实际状况和固有的力学性能,结合有限元技术,建立了甘蔗生长的物理模型。开发了基于物理模型的甘蔗收获机甘蔗的虚拟作用系统;

  • Moisturizing pathogenic dryness to loosen the Bowel this drug has a special curative effect on astriction ( constipation ) . It can preserve moisture with the help of natural vegetal moisturizing factors mildly clean moisten and soften the skin so as to keep a health skin .

    本药润燥滑肠,专治便秘。 配合 植物 保湿因子,全面锁住水份,温和清洁肌肤的同时,滋润干燥肌肤,保持肌肤柔嫩健康。

  • The vegetal status of cells was observed everyday and the survival rate was measured by MTT assay .

    每天观察细胞 生长状态,MTT法检测细胞存活率。

  • Vegetal fibrous paper whose main chemical composition are fibrin half-fibrin and lignin is the carrier material of books data and paper files .


  • Influence of Vegetal Time on Chemical Composition and Pulping Properties

    植物 纤维 原料 生长时间对化学成分和制浆性能的影响

  • This soap is made from natural bamboo and it is processed with refined vegetal oil .

    本产品采用天然竹炭和精制 植物油加工而成。

  • The broilers were fed with complete vegetal corn-soybean diets for 6 weeks .

    肉鸡饲以全 植物 玉米-豆粕基础日粮,试验期6周。

  • Vegetal Nutrition Elements in Fly Ash : Existing States and Application

    粉煤灰中 植物营养元素赋存状态及应用

  • Pharmacological Effect and Using of Vegetal Polysaccharide


  • The product contains such natural vegetal essences as tea tree essence aloe chamomile and hamamelis etc.

    本品蕴含茶树精华、芦荟、菊花、金缕梅等天然 植物精华。

  • It contains blackhead-cleaning elements Vitamin C and vegetal compact essence .

    蕴含清黑头成份,维他命C及 植物紧致精华。

  • Vegetal architecture is more than just an architectural issue but it has some social significance .


  • Having or showing vigorous vegetal or animal life .

    指具有或者表现出生命活力 植物或者动物。

  • A range of sophisticated nuance neutral coloured vegetal and metallic greys from pale aluminium to tin bronze changing through time with oxidized and rusty shadows .

    一系列微妙的色彩,中性色,从灰铝色到锡青铜色随时间氧化的 锈迹阴影中提取的 植物灰和银灰色。

  • Research on the Desert Water Content Frozen Soil Depth and Vegetal Cover in the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin at Early Spring

    准噶尔盆地南缘初春沙漠含水率、沙漠冻土及 植被覆盖率研究

  • Flavor characteristic – fruit floral spice vegetal oak other ;

    口味特征–水果,花卉,香料, 植物,柞木,除外;