valid operation

[ˈvælɪd ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈvælid ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device .

    指定的请求为目标设备的 无效 操作

  • Command line problem : a valid backup operation was not specified on the command line .

    命令行问题:命令行上没有指定 有效的备份 操作

  • None of the items you selected are currently valid for this operation .

    您所取的目目前均不本 有效目。

  • The supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation .

    提供给请求 操作的用户缓冲区 无效

  • They are valid in any distributed operation where an SPL routine is valid .

    它们在任何SPL例程为合法的分布式 操作中都是 有效的。

  • As such the only valid operation on an atom is a comparison .

    因此,对于原子值,惟一 合法 操作是比较。

  • The writer thinks that enterprise establish system and steps of putting into a series of administration practice thus valid operation of real business of labor power resource control can be guaranteed and accelerate enterprise develop healthy and speedily .

    笔者认为企业只有建立并实行一系列的管理制度和措施,才能保证人力资源管理实务的 有效 运行,才能促进企业健康、快速发展。

  • XFS is valid in the operation and management of distributed intelligent terminal system but the information-transfer mechanism of XFS is different from the one of ITS .

    XFS规范很 地实现分布式智能终端系统的 运行和管理,但ITS设备管理的消息传递机制与XFS规范的消息传递机制又有不同之处。

  • The valid operation for the specified job .

    指定作业的 有效 操作

  • None of the items in the selection are valid for this operation .

    取中所有的目都不是作 有效

  • The increase reputation of the property and the system support of the whole social economy environment ( example : the establishment movement of the trade system the valid operation of the central trusteeship organization etc ) .

    资产的信用增级、评级以及整个社会经济环境的系统支持(比如交易系统的建立运行,中央托管机构的 有效 运作等),这些步骤环环相扣,缺一不可。

  • Scholastic power and its valid operation results from the joint function of all relative factors .

    学术权力及其 有效 运行是各相关要素共同合力作用的结果。

  • A legal and valid operation agreement letter consistent with legal elements testifies the realization of knowing and agreeing rights between doctors and patients .

    符合民事法律要件的合法 有效 手术同意书,证明了医患之间告知与知情同意权的实现。