value-added service

[ˈvæljuˈædɪd 'sɝvɪs][ˈvælju:ˈædɪd ˈsɜːvɪs]


  • Could mobile value-added service pass critical point ?

    移动 增值 业务期待突破临界点?

  • Provide value-added service to principals by keeping cooperative and communicative with their local detailing team .

    通过与厂家推广队伍的有效沟通与合作,不断提供有 价值 服务

  • Research and Implementation of Terminating Call of Non-Standard Value-Added Service in CDMA Network

    CDMA非标准 增值 业务来话呼叫模型的研究与实现

  • Design and realization of content management system on IPTV value-added service platform

    IPTV 增值 业务平台内容管理系统的设计与实现

  • Research on Billing System of IPTV Value-Added Service Platform

    IPTV 增值 业务平台计费系统的研究

  • Data Management and Data Collection Solution of Value-added Service Integrated Network Management System

    增值 业务综合网管系统的数据管理及数据采集方案

  • The government information value-added service 's actuality in our country needs implementing knowledge management and providing knowledge service .

    我国政府信息 增值 服务的现状客观上要求实施知识管理,提供知识服务。

  • Research on the Mobile Value-added Service Depth Operation Based on the Enterprise Data Warehouse

    基于企业数据仓库的移动 增值 业务深度运营研究

  • Telecom value-added service providers are also expected to see their profits drop after the new system takes effect .

    手机实名制实施后,电信 增值 服务运营商也将面临利润减少的压力。

  • For its long-term and ordered growth it is urgently necessary to build a billing system that is appropriate for IPTV value-added service .

    为了IPTV业务的长期有序发展,迫切需要建立适合 IPTV 业务 运营的计费系统。

  • Design and Implementation of Voice Value-added Service Platform of Telecommunication Based on CTI Technology

    基于CTI技术的电信语音 增值 业务平台的设计与实现

  • SWOT Analysis on Developing Value-added Service Competitive Strategy of the Third Party Logistics Enterprise

    对第三方物流企业发展 增值 服务竞争战略的SWOT分析

  • This article analyzes the important effect of experiential marketing on value-added service and puts forward some suggestions to offer revelation to carriers .

    分析了体验式营销在 增值 业务营销中发挥的重要作用,并提出了几点建议,希望对运营商有所启示。

  • As a new value-added service in communications industry secretary desk-top system develops vapidly and has become the important aspect of information construction .

    摘要秘书台作为一种新型 增值 业务在通信行业中发展迅速,已经成为信息化建设的一个重要方面。

  • Design and implementation of the telemarketing based on mobile value-added service

    基于移动 增值 业务的电话营销系统的设计与实现

  • The cores of the library development are the information value-added service based on the service of the people in the future .

    未来图书馆事业发展的核心是信息 增值 服务和人本服务。

  • Provide value-added service by introduction of related agencies .

    引入中介机构,提供 增值 服务

  • Research and Implementation of Value-Added Service Menu of USIM Card in 3G

    3GUSIM卡 增值 业务菜单的研究与实现

  • The Analysis about Influencing Factors of Value-Added Service Performance in China 's Venture Capital Firms

    中国风险投资机构 增值 服务绩效影响因素研究

  • A Study of 3G Mobile Value-Added Service Content Constructing Strategies

    3G移动 增值 服务内容构建策略研究

  • Under the support of the advanced IT system and complex resource we provide full forwarding and value-added service to the clients .

    在先进的物流IT系统支持下,充分整合集团和社会物流资源,为客户提供全方位物流及 增值 服务

  • The Application of Parlay X Technology in Mobile Value-added Service Research

    ParlayX技术在移动 增值 业务开发中的应用研究

  • This means not just the traditional issues of streamlining regulation and building infrastructure but also the more complex challenges of improving education promoting competition and designing regulation to develop high value-added service sectors .

    这意味着,不仅要解决理顺监管和建设基础设施等传统问题,而且要应对更复杂的挑战&改善教育,促进竞争,以及进行监管设计、以发展高 附加 服务业。

  • Public library is one of important positions of government information value-added service which has great social avail .

    公共图书馆是政府信息 增值 服务的重要阵地之一,在政府信息 增值 服务中具有较大的社会效用。

  • Logistics Finance : Value-added Service of Third Party Logistics Enterprises

    物流金融&第三方物流企业的 增值 服务

  • In order to provide our clients with value-added service we formally promote the newest training course-cost management for supply chain .

    为了让我们的客户进一步享受我们的 增值 服务,我公司特推出面向供应链成本控制的最新课程。

  • However the affection to the high value-added service trades represented by the insurance computer & information and consultation was weaker .

    但以保险、计算机和信息服务、咨询为代表的高 附加 服务贸易行业受危机影响稍小。

  • Research and Design of Value-added Service Management Platform Based on the J2EE

    基于J2EE 移动 增值 业务管理平台的研究与设计

  • With the development of mobile phone value-added service payment with mobile phone has become a popular mode .

    随着手机 增值 服务 业务日益繁荣,手机支付也成为一种流行的支付方式。