
[医] 瓣,瓣膜

  • The main X-ray manifestations of gastrointestinal meal barium of primary malignant tumors of the small bowel were stenosis filling defect stiffness of involved intestinal wall with destruction of mucosa and loss of valvulae conniventes intestinal obstruction or intussuseption dynamic dilatation and ulcer .

    消化道钡餐主要X线表现为胸腔狭窄,肠 腔内充盈缺损,管壁僵硬,粘膜破坏,环状皱壁消失,肠梗阻或肠套叠, 肠管扩张及溃疡形成。

  • The EJV had valvulae its wall was thin only 1 ~ 2 layers of smooth muscle were contained in its medium .

    静脉 菲薄含有 瓣膜,肌层仅1~2层。