value of exchange

[ˈvælju ʌv ɪksˈtʃendʒ][ˈvælju ɔv iksˈtʃeindʒ]


  • An exclusive focus on the value of the bilateral exchange rate could be counter-productive .

    仅仅专注于双边 汇率 价值,可能会适得其反。

  • However for the case of ferromagnetic interfacial coupling the change of exchange bias as a function of cooling field is not evident and the value of exchange bias is constantly negative .

    而对于铁磁界面耦合的情况,交换 偏置随冷却场变化不明显,且其 恒为负。

  • The value theory of commodity exchange mostly regards the commodity exchange as equate labor exchange and is a kind of balance with just one point .

    商品 交换 价值理论大多把商品交换看成等量劳动交换,是只有一个点的平衡。

  • In the current situation of global financial crisis and possible devaluation of foreign exchange we are faced with a problem of how to maintain and increase the value of the foreign exchange reserve .

    在当前全球金融危机和外币可能大幅贬值的的情况下,这么多 外汇储备就面临一个如何保值和 增值的问题。

  • This means that the likelihood of internal price inflation is also higher while the future value of the nominal exchange rate is likely to be lower with the chance that creditors might not get their money back in the form and at the time they had envisioned .

    这表明国内物价上涨的可能性也有所加大,同时名义 汇率的远期 价值有可能降低债权人有可能无法以先前预想的形式、在预计的时间拿回自己的钱。

  • The value of foreign exchange reserves meanwhile will fall if and when the renminbi goes up .

    与此同时,如果人民币升值, 外汇储备的 价值就会应声而落。

  • To calculate how much consider that the dollar value of foreign exchange reserves leapt by $ 200bn in the first quarter almost the biggest increase on record .

    要计算规模到底有多大,只需想想今年一季度中国 外汇储备激增2000亿 美元(几乎是有记录以来的最大增幅)这件事。

  • Chapter 2 talks about the law basis and value of the exchange of evidence .

    第二章探讨了民事证据 交换制度的法理基础和 价值功能。

  • The Information Value of Exchange Journals From the Editing Point of View

    高校 交流学报的信息 价值学报编辑视角

  • The thesis holds that compensation is the value measure of exchange .

    摘要薪酬是雇双方进行 交换 价值尺度。

  • Generally in the floating exchange rate system the future specific value of the exchange rate is more difficult to determine the risk of exchange rate will be greater .

    一般,在浮动汇率制度下, 汇率的未来具体 更加难以确定,汇率风险会更大。

  • Therefore it is particularly necessary to increase the value of the foreign exchange asset at the present stage .

    因此,现阶段 外汇资产的 保值增值就显得尤为必要了。

  • Of course the individual poetry writing has shortcomings it is lack of the value of exchange in aesthetic also causes stylistic confusion by over-emphasis on freedom .

    当然,个人化诗歌写作也存在不足,过分重视个人而缺少审美 交流 价值,过分重视自由也造成文体的混乱。

  • To maintain and increase the value of foreign exchange reserves our country like many other countries have bought the American treasury bonds .

    为了保值 增值,我们和大多数国家一样,用 外汇储备买了美国国债。

  • The annual mean value of sea water exchange taking part in the interface is the largest in summer second in spring and autumn and smallest in winter .

    参与分界面处海水 交换 总量的年平均是夏季最大,春、秋季次之,冬季最小。

  • Error analysis of intercooler ′ s heat transmission coefficient K indicates that the error of the value of K is more than 3 times as big as the error of measured value of the heat exchange capacity .

    对中冷器传热系数K 进行误差分析表明,K值误差是 热量测量误差的3倍以上。

  • Marx predicts that in the future a new society in which people produce for use value instead of exchange value will replace capitalism .

    马克思预言未来代替资本主义的将是一个为使用 价值而非 交换价值而生产的全新社会。

  • In addition to protecting the value of existing foreign exchange reserves China should try to stop increasing foreign exchange reserves .

    为了避免 外汇储备 贬值,中国应该努力阻止外汇储备增加。

  • With the analysis of foreign exchange indicators it can calculate individual currently value of foreign exchange assets and it can show the changed condition of single or multiple foreign exchange assets to help user make accurate and timely judgment .

    通过各种外汇指标的分析,可以计算个人 外汇资产的当前 价值;可显示单一 外汇或多种外汇组合情况下资产的历史变动情况,帮助用户作出准确、及时的判断。

  • We now see into what extraordinary mistakes and contradictions the popular school has fallen in making material wealth or value of exchange the sole object of its investigations and by regarding mere bodily labour as the sole productive power .

    流行学派把物质财富或 交换 价值作为研究的唯一对象,把单纯的体力劳动认为是唯一的生产力;我们现在可以看到这个学派在这一点上陷入了多大的错误和矛盾。

  • Study mathematical exchange materializing civil spirit of mathematical learning promoting thought and mode of mathematical education are value purpose of mathematical exchange ;

    学会“数学地交流”、体现数学学习的人文精神、促进数学教育新思想和模式建立是“数学 交流”的 价值取向;

  • Market value of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes .

    外汇基金票据及债券的 市值

  • The first part talks about the value basis of evidence exchange system .

    第一部分 分析了民事证据 交换制度的 价值基础。

  • As a kind of design and culture forms it has the value of professional exchange and study as well as practice significance of contemporary image documents .

    作为一种设计形式和文化形式,其具有专业 交流学习的 价值,也具有当代图像文献的现实意义。

  • The frequent fluctuation of foreign exchange rate makes multinational companies confront huge foreign exchange risk and affects unfavorably the value of the foreign exchange reserve .

    外汇市场的频繁波动使得跨国经营企业面临着巨大的外汇风险,同时极大影响了我国巨额 外汇储备的 价值

  • Difficulties and Outlets of Value Realization of Land Exchange Book in Hainan Province & And a Discussion on the Reviving and Regulating of Hainan Real Estate Industry

    海南 换地权益书 价值实现的困境与出路&兼谈海南房地产业的振兴与规范

  • So how will the moderate scale of foreign exchange reserve beyond effective use so that the value of foreign exchange reserves play to the positive role of economic growth China is needed to study and solve a major problem .

    所以,如何将超出适度规模的外汇储备有效运用,使其 保值 增值,发挥 外汇储备对经济增长的积极作用,是我国需要研究和解决的一个主要问题。

  • During the month of january the market value of Exchange Fund paper registered a decline reflecting the slight firming of Hong Kong dollar interest rates .

    月份内,由于港元利率轻微上升, 外汇基金票据和债券 市值下跌。