value of game

[ˈvælju ʌv ɡem][ˈvælju ɔv ɡeim]


  • Core the value concept of multiple-person cooperation game is a multi-value solution set .

    合作 对策 概念&核心(core)是一个多值解集合。

  • Combined with the study of this paper we can give a foreshadowing role to the event game theory and have certain reference value to the application research of the computer game theory and the event game theory .

    结合本文的研究可以为事件对策论的深入研究起到一个铺垫作用,对事件对策论和机器 博弈的应用研究有一定的参考 价值

  • The value of generally aligned structure game

    一般化的结盟结构 对策

  • Making use of game theory we discuss distributive patterns of bankruptcy enterprises property . The order proportion rule is given . Under some conditions we obtain that c value value Ap rule of a three-person bankruptcy game are identical .

    本文研究企业破产问题,利用对策论方法讨论破产企业的财产分配方式,给出了顺序比例规则,在一定条件下,得到3人破产 对策的C-值,σ- ,Ap规则一致。

  • Cultural value of mahjong game

    麻将 运动的文化 价值

  • Theory Study and Application on Shapley Value of Repeated and Fuzzy Game

    重复、模糊 合作 对策Shapley 的理论研究及应用

  • The value of football sport is incarnated by the game .

    足球运动的 价值是通过 比赛来体现的。

  • One-to-one countermeasures problem is expanded on the basis of the double side extreme value principle of qualitative differential game .

    而&一对抗问题的解决是以定性微分 对策的双边 极值原理为基础展开的。

  • The third part surveys the theory and practice value of evolutionary game theory and discusses its prosperity of developement .

    第三部分 进化 博弈论的理论和应用 价值,以及进化 博弈论的发展前景作了总结和讨论。

  • Initial Exploration on the Tourist Value of Sports Game

    体育 比赛的旅游 价值初探

  • They have no intrinsic value in the universe and are simply tokens of the game to give it structure .

    他们本身没什么内在 价值,只不过是 游戏成绩的符号。

  • Consistency of the Bargaining Solution and the σ - value and τ - Value of the Cooperative Game

    合作 对策的σ值和τ 协商解的一致性

  • DOE as regulator is a variety of interests of the value of the game of choice .

    等同原则如同调节器,是多种利益 博弈 价值选择体。

  • Just came into being at that time the new paintings from the original voice of protest turned into a search for the value of the existence of a game . How to developing the New Scholar Drawing in a new era ?

    恰在当时应运而生的新文人画也从最初的抗争的声音变成了找寻存在 价值的一场 游戏

  • It shows that the boundary of firm lies in the equilibrium between the time value of waiting and the strategic value of initiative game .

    结果表明,企业价值边界确定在企业等待的期权价值与 抢先的战略 价值相均衡之处。

  • The formula of Shapley value of the convex linear composition game applying the combinational method is derived The proof process of the solution existence theorem of the composition game is simplified .

    利用组合方法给出并推导了凸线性合成 对策的Shapley 的计算公式,大大简化了合成对策的解的存在性定理的证明过程。

  • On this basis this paper further studies on the distribution of logistics alliance income by using Shapley value model of cooperative game theory .

    在此基础上,本文进一步研究了物流联盟的收益分配问题,利用合作 博弈的经典模型&Shapley 模型 物流联盟的收益进行了分配。

  • Brief Analysis of the Value of the Basketball Game in Economy and Culture

    篮球 运动的经济、文化 价值浅析

  • This paper discusses the basic technical architecture of the 2D network game engine which will be of reference value for the domestic development of 2D-based network game system .

    本文研究的课题初步探讨了2D网络游戏引擎的基本技术架构,对于国内基于2D的网络 游戏系统开发具有一定的借鉴和参考 价值

  • A model of Interest Group Non-balance Game constructed by behavior choice on the value creation links from the perspective of profit group game relationship to explain the inner nonlinear interact in the organizational system . And get nine paths of organization system evolution .

    从利益群体 博弈关系出发以 价值创造环节上的行为选择为基础构建利益群体非均衡博弈模型以解释组织系统内部利益群体间的相互作用,并得到组织系统演化的九条路径。

  • There should be no in-between no compromises . Compromise Value of Compromise Admissible Stochastic Cooperative Game

    不应有折衷,不应有妥协。妥协可接受的随机合作 对策的妥协

  • With the popularity of computers and the Internet the game has far exceeded the value of the original game generated era has become very popular means of entertainment the game has especially even become their extra-curricular essential part of life for younger .

    随着电脑和互联网的普及,游戏的 价值己经远远超出了原始 游戏产生的时代意义,逐渐成为生活中普遍的消遣娱乐手段。尤其对青少年而言,游戏甚至已经成为他们课外生活中必不可少的一部分。

  • The player number varying payment game . Before and after the player number changes the corresponding case of the imputation core nucleolus Shapley value of the cooperative game are given respectively .

    支付对策中局中人数目变化的合作 对策问题,分别给出了局中人数目变化前后该合作 对策的分配、核心、核仁、Shapley 的对应情况。

  • Compromise Value of Compromise Admissible Stochastic Cooperative Game

    妥协可接受的随机合作 对策的妥协

  • Discuss on the Value Source of Olympic Game Economy

    奥运经济 价值源泉的探析

  • Player-Learner : a Discussion of the Value Searching and Construction of PC Game as School-based Curriculum

    游戏者&学习者:论电子 游戏作为校本课程的 价值的发掘及建构

  • There are several solution concepts with respect to different rationalities such as the core the nucleolus the stable set the kernel and Shapley value etc. The definitions of game solutions are usually very complexity and their computations are in general difficult .

    根据不同的合理性要求产生了不同的对策解的概念,如核心、N-核、稳定集和 Shapley 等。