value of export

[ˈvælju ʌv ɪksˈpɔrt][ˈvælju ɔv eksˈpɔ:t]

[经] 出口额

  • Reckon the total volume of imports Value of major commodity export

    计算进口商品的总量 出口主要商品量

  • So it has realistic meaning and practical value to research the problems of ECA and export financing .

    因此,研究我 出口 信用机构与企业 出口融资 存在的问题, 提出相应的建议 措施, 出口信用机构和 出口 贸易的协调发展具有现实意义和实用 价值

  • The textile industry plays important role in India 's national economy as it covers 20 % of the gross value of industrial output and 25 % of export value and offers job opportunities to 82 million people .

    其生产 总值在印度工业中占20%的份额,行业就业人口达到8200万,印度 出口额的25%均来自于纺织行业。近年来,印度已经成为中国纺织业内经常提及并给予关注的字眼。

  • Unit value indices of export and imports ;

    进出 单位 指数;

  • Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

    进出 商品经营单位所在地 总值

  • Using the index of EIS unit value ratio of export and import RCA this paper compared the export situation export price and competitiveness of agricultural machines of China with those of India .

    本文运用了 进出 相似度、进出 价格比、RCA指数等指标,对中印农机产品的出口状况、 进出口价格及竞争力进行比较。

  • Marshall-Lerner condition holds that if the absolute value of a nation 's export flexibility plus that of import flexibility is bigger than one devalue of home currency can improve international balance of the nation .

    马歇尔勒纳条件认为,若一国的 出口弹性与进口弹性的绝对 之和大于1,则本币贬值可改善本国国际收支。

  • Value of major commodity export


  • Using Hummels ( 2001 ) had proposed vertical specialization index we can calculate the value of the imported goods contain in our export products .

    本文利用Hummels等人(2001)提出的垂直专业化指标,计算我国 出口产品中所包含的进口商品的 价值比。

  • The total value of chemical import and export in the world reached 291 billion US dollars an increase of 10.6 % .

    在1984年,世界化工产品 进出 贸易总额为 2910亿美元,增长10.6%。

  • Total value of import and export in 2002 reached 620.8 billion US dollars up 21.8 percent over the previous year .

    全年 进出 总额达6208亿美元,比上年增长21.8%。

  • The value of export would exceed 200 million USD .

    产品全部 出口,年度 出口 将超过2亿美元。

  • These statistics reveal a rather startling shift away from self-employment to working for others . Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

    上述统计数字表明,从自体经营转向为别人工作的情况是相当惊人的。 进出 商品经营单位所在地 总值

  • Diagnostic value of functional export obstruction with defography ( 978 Cases analysis )

    用排粪造影法诊断功能性 出口梗阻的 价值(附978例分析)

  • Transaction value of export goods refers to the total amount of money charged by the seller to the buyer directly or indirectly for the exportation of the goods at the time of exportation .

    出口货物的成交 价格,是指该货物出口时卖方为出口该货物应当向买方直接收取和间接收取的价款总额。

  • Its the important foundation to evaluate the degree of optimization of export commodities structure also the relation on the export industries with the value of export .

    正确合理的 评判 出口商品结构的优化程度,判断各主要出口行业与 出口 真实关联程度,是优化出口商品结构的重要前提和基础。

  • At present low technology content and low added value are major handicaps to the sustainable growth of export trade .

    产品技术含量低、附加 不高已成为制约我国 出口贸易持续增长的主要原因。

  • United Nations index of unit value of manufactured export goods

    联合国 出口制成品单位 价值指数

  • In the first two months of this year the total value of import and export trade reached 1.24 billion US dollars increasing 6 % over the same period last year .

    今年前两个月,进出 贸易 总额达十二点四亿美元,比去年同期增长百分之六。

  • Inspection appraisal and certification on consignment of quality specifications quantity weight package damage value and technical conditions of shipment of import and export commodities .

    进出 商品品质、规格、数量、重量、包装、残损、 价值、装运技术条件的委托检验、鉴定和认证等业务。

  • In addition the United States has also under-estimated its export value to China because of its incomplete export statistics .

    此外,美国因 出口统计不完全而低估了对中国的出口

  • In addition a brief analysis is made of the residual between the observed value of the Province 's export volume and the estimated value .

    同时, 广东省 出口额的预测值与实际 之间的残差做了简要分析。

  • Using the radiative dose to reduce measure value of export standard bind of goat skin we provide the doas control parameter of sterilization technology .

    试验还对山羊 板皮 出口标准包对剂量减弱情况进行了测量,提供了灭菌工艺中的剂量控制参数。

  • The ECIC 's total insured business in 1999 amounted to $ 23.08 billion representing an increase of 9.6 per cent over that in the previous corresponding period . Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

    一九九九年,信保局的受保出口总值达230.8亿元,较去年同期增加9.6%。 进出 商品经营单位所在地 总值

  • In comparison 99 % of the value of Chinese exports stems from the export sale of paste .

    相比之下,中国出口销售收入 99%中国番茄酱。

  • As China is a country having a big value of foreign trade Chinese import and export enterprises are always involving in matters about cancellation of the contract of international sales of goods .

    我国作为一个外贸大国,进出 企业经常 地会碰到国际货物买卖合同的解除问题。

  • Chapter III Determination of Customs Value of Import and Export Goods

    第三章进出 货物 完税 价格的确定

  • The value of export was 325.6 billion US dollars up 22.3 percent and the value of import was 295.2 billion US dollars up 21.2 percent .

    其中, 出口总额 3256亿美元,增长22.3%;进口总额2952亿美元,增长21.2%。