value added


  • Value added tax shares duty for country and place execute cent to become .


  • Analysis of China 's Economic Growth : Quality and the Changes in Value Added Rate

    中国经济增长质量与 增加 率变动分析

  • This paper expounds that library 's cataloguing process is a value-added process and probes into the paths for realizing the maximum value added of cataloguing .

    【中英文摘要】论述了图书馆编目过程是一个增值的过程,探讨了实现编目最大 增值的途径。

  • Consult what distinction does the value added tax of a company business tax income tax have ?

    请教,一个公司的 增值税、营业税、所得税有什么区别?

  • Statistics that measure value added can provide a more reliable way of seeing how trade affects employment .

    在认识贸易对就业的影响方面,计算 增加 的统计方法能够提供一个更可靠的方法。

  • I will continue to use Tencent 's value added services .

    我会继续使用腾讯的 增值服务。

  • Is the value added of the second pillar not found above all in intergenerational risk sharing ?

    第二支柱的 附加 首先是建立在两代间的风险分担上吗?

  • Distribution capacity is value added in the logistics system .

    在物流系统中,配送能力是 增值的。

  • Can you quantify the value added ?

    你能量化 附加 吗?

  • Power consumption of the first industry increases by per 1 % the value added increases by 0.74 % ;

    第一产业用电量增长1%,其 增加 增长0.74%;

  • Benefits gained after using Tencent 's value added services ( In-Use value ) .

    从腾讯的 增值服务获得好处。

  • This distribution system can make value added benefit and reduce installation cost .

    这种分布式系统有利于 变量 增加,降低安装成本。

  • This paper introduces the means characters and operations of VBM in order to understand the process of value creation the process of value added is analyzed also .

    本文通过对VBM的内涵、基本特征和运作的分析,理解价值创造的过程,分析了 价值 增加的过程。

  • Biggest cooperative growth is in bio-energy value added and specialty foods markets .

    最大的合作社成长于生物能源、高 附加 和专业食品市场。

  • The export tax and value added tax on the products processed and exported orientated .

    加工复出口的产品免征关税和 增值税。

  • All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax

    所有服务费都不包括 增值税。

  • Most countries apply a reduced rate of value added tax to food .

    大多数国家对食品征收较低的 增值税。

  • How to carry out various value added services utilizing existing digital CATV systems is becoming an important topic .

    如何利用现有的数字CATV系统开展各种 增值业务已成为一个重要课题。

  • Ushuaia has a100 % tax exemption for income tax and value added tax .

    乌斯怀亚市收入税和 增值税可以100%减免。

  • Domestic value added : The value added to a product by local or domestic activities .

    国内 附加 :指本地或国内的活动为产品带来的增加的价值。

  • Are you providing some value added service ?

    你又如何?是不是有为自己所做的提供 附加 价值的服务?

  • The cost of a security system should be thought of as a property value added item or investment .

    您可将保安系统安装成本视为物业 增值及投资的一部份。

  • The value added to a product customized to personal preference is the value of knowledge .

    对个人偏爱的产品的 增值来源是知识的 价值

  • Application virtualization delivers complementary and value added benefits to infrastructures using server virtualization .

    应用程序虚拟化通过服务器虚拟化交付互补优势和 增值效益到基础架构。

  • Observers of financial services saw unbelievable prosperity and apparently immense value added .

    金融服务业的观察家目睹了令人难以置信的繁荣和表面上庞大的 增加

  • Improve profitability via engineering value added to our customer ;

    通过向客户提供工程 附加 来提高盈利能力;

  • The demand for new knowledge and skills be constant no longer a value added element but the essential factor in determining organizational survival .

    对新知识和新技术的需求将成为一种常态,而不再是一种 增值的因子,这种需求将成为组织生存不可或缺的要素。