


  • The valuation and completeness objectives emphasize opposite audit concerns .


  • As a consequence of this the valuation of assets such as bonds and equities should come under pressure .

    这样趋势的结果是,像债券和股票之类的资产 价值将面临相当大的压力。

  • When should market values be used in the valuation of assets and liabilities in the Balance Sheet ?

    在何种情况下对资产负债表中的资产和负债 价值采用市场价值?

  • If you are selling your property why not call us for a free valuation without obligation ?

    如果您打算出售房产,何不打电话让我们作免费 估价呢?

  • Assets and Liability valuation and custody .

    资产和负债 价值 评估和保护。

  • The Par and Discount bond options are equivalent from a valuation perspective .

    债券的票面价值和贴现债券选择权 估价的前景是一样的。

  • The distribution of bamboos and those valuation in zoology and ornamentation were introduced .

    对竹子的分布、观赏和生态 价值进行了阐述。

  • I think your valuation was too low .

    我想你的 估值太低了。

  • It 's unwise to accept a person at his own valuation .

    相信一个人的自我 评价是不明智的。

  • Valuation of exchange options in jump-diffusion models ;

    本文研究的是跳跃-扩散模型中的期权 定价问题。

  • Yet plainly she did not accept them at his own valuation .

    然而显而易见,她并没有照他自己的 估价接受这一切。

  • Finally examples show the advantages of the new valuation method .

    最后,用实例验证了新 估值方法的优点。

  • A model for the valuation of traditional participating life insurance policies is set up .

    对传统的参加寿险保单的 估价建立了模型。

  • Valuation lies at the heart of all takeovers .

    所有收购者心中都有自己的 估价

  • In New York I learned accounting and corporate valuation on the job .

    在纽约,我在工作中学会了做会计和公司 评估

  • So you have a company with an absurd valuation using its stock to buy companies at even crazier valuations .

    也就是说,一个有着荒唐 估值的公司,利用它的股票买下了另一个估值更疯狂的公司。

  • Valuation matters as much as liquidity .


  • Study on Value Analysis and Valuation of Listed Banks in China

    中国上市银行的价值分析和 估值研究

  • Without a market price valuation involves complex computer models and subjective assumptions .

    由于没有市场价格, 估值要涉及复杂的电脑建模和主观假设。

  • A set of assets valuation standards is urgent needed in China along with the development of Chinese appraisal profession .

    随着我国评估业的发展,我国迫切需要一部资产 评估准则。

  • I screen based on balance sheets return on capital and valuation .

    我基于资产负债表、资产回报和 估值进行筛选。

  • This is reflected by the valuation .

    估值反映了这 一切

  • Study on Validity and Reliability of Contingent Valuation Method

    条件 价值 评估法的有效性和可靠性研究

  • Surveyors carried out a valuation on / of our house .

    测量员对我们的房子做出了 估价

  • Pound 's valuation was the same as mine .

    庞德 见解和我相同。

  • Responsible for all aspects of cash management banking credit control inventory valuation costing ?

    对现金管理,银行,信用管理,存货 评估和成本管理进行全方位的负责?

  • The effects of this can be seen from the valuation of stocks .

    其影响可以从股票的 估值中看出来。

  • Perform due diligence risk analysis and company valuation on acquisition activities .

    工作勤快,能在收购活动中为公司进行风险分析和 价值 评估

  • Check calculate and update item cost of inventory responsible also for inventory valuation and variance analysis .

    负责库存成本的审核、计算和更新,执行库存的 估价和差异分析。

  • The valuations reflect prices at 1 April 1991

    这些 估值反映了1991年4月1日的价格水平。