


  • The valency of Mn remained + 4 Cr was changing ( reversibly ) between + 6 and ( + 3 during ) charge and discharge .

    在充放电过程中,Mn始终保持 +4 ,Cr在+6和+3价之间可逆变化。

  • Each of the four valency electrons of the carbon atom is shared with one of a hydrogen atom .

    碳原子的四个 电子都各与氢原子的一个 电子共用。

  • The induced charge is equal to the average valency of the species occupying the cation sublattice .


  • Study of the Composition Valency and Structure of the Rare Earth Compounds by Their Spectra and Magnetic Properties

    利用稀土的光谱和磁性研究化合物的组成、 与结构

  • The bound nominal _ object verb is studied in valency direction .

    配价 角度 出发研究 现代 汉语中的粘着体宾动词。

  • The Quantity Effect and Quality Effect of Verb Valency : The Evidence from the study of Chinese aphasia

    动词 配价的量效应与质效应&来自失语症研究的证据

  • Except for the transitional elements valency electrons are in the outermost electron shell .

    除去过渡元素外, 电子位于最外面的电子层。

  • The semantic and syntactic notions of valency need not coincide .

    语义 配价与句法 配价 之间没有必然的 一一对应的关系。

  • Verbs can be researched in various angles . Valency theories have a long history as a significant linguistic theory . In China it is widely applied to the study of modern Chinese verbs .

    对于动词的研究可以从多个角度入手, 配价理论作为一种历史悠久,意义重大的语言学理论,在中国被广泛地应用到现代汉语动词的研究中。

  • Lewis langmuir 's theory of valency

    路易斯兰格穆尔 原子 理论

  • The composition and valency states of elements at the surface of the implanted samples were analyzed by AES and XPS .

    用AES和XPS分析了注入样品表面的组成和元素的 态。

  • Inorganic scale damage of the invasion of high valency cationic drill-in fluid filtrate into formation .

    以及 高价阳离子的完井液滤液侵入储层引起的无机垢损害。

  • Quantitative Analysis of Valency States of Vanadium in Mixture of Vanadium Oxides by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

    X射线荧光光谱法对钒氧化物中 不同 态钒的定量分析

  • The macrostructure the composition of the crystal phase the surface ion valency and concentration of the catalysts were investigated by BET XRD and XPS techniques .

    采用比表面、孔结构、XRD和XPS等测试技术研究了催化剂的宏观结构、晶相组成、表面 离子 和浓度。

  • An Analysis of Valency Grammar and Verb-noun Collocation Errors from CLEC Corpus Misunderstandings about Corpus and Corpus Linguistics in China and abroad


  • Uranium is an element of variable valency .

    铀是 变价元素, 还原 体系 在铀富集过程中起着 相当重要的 作用

  • History is an important way of understanding the valency of certain kinds of utterance at certain times .

    历史是理解,特定时间特定类型的 话语的重要方式。

  • Syntactic Features and Valency Analysis of the Dislocation Construction

    移位结构的句法特征及 配价分析

  • The chemical composition and valency states of elements on the surface of TiO2 coating films were analyzed by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) .

    X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了 处理 前后TiO2薄膜中元素的 、化学 位移和组成;

  • The article reviewed the research of the production and refining of aluminum by formation and disproportion of lower valency compound of aluminum .

    本文综述了利用铝的 低价化合物的生成和歧化分解反应进行铝的生产和精炼的研究概况。

  • In this article we discuss in detail the influence of electronic distribution of the environmental ions around the cluster on the valency of Cu and O ions .

    详细讨论了原子集团周围环境离子的电子分布对原子团内Cu、O离子 的影响。

  • Molecular Orbital Theory of Bond Order and Valency

    键级和 化合价的分子轨道理论

  • Verb Valency Grammar and the English Teaching

    动词 配价语法与英语教学

  • Study on the chemical oscillation of Iron-Dipyridine system and its application to valency analysis of iron

    铁-联吡啶体系化学振荡的研究及其在 分析中的应用

  • Valency and the English Verb


  • This paper introduces in brief the basic concept and content of the verb valency grammar as well its features and indicates the present-day problems in the English teaching of our country .

    介绍了动词 配价语法的概念以及基本内容和特点,指出目前在我国英语教学中所存在的问题: 注重 句法,而 忽视 语义 作用

  • The technology of low pressure synthesis of tetracarbonyl cobalt with cobalt chloride and sulfur compounds with low valency has been used in the production of phenylacetic acid by carbonyl synthesis with benzyl chloride .

    应用氯化钴和 低价含硫化合物低压合成四羰基钴盐的技术于氯苄羰化合成苯乙酸的生产中。

  • Valency Grammar & Lexicon - Grammar


  • The valency state of samarium detected by polarography in tetrahydrofuran


  • When the valency of V_2 is not in correspondence with its semantic direction it results the ambiguity between causative and passive .

    当V2的 配价与其语义指向不对应时,就会产生使役和被动的歧义。