


  • Researches on the Principle of Directness and Verbalism

    直接、 言词原则

  • This article tries to process discuss questions followed below such as censoring the necessity in jurisdiction dissidence verbalism debate during the censoring and its form .

    本文试就管辖权异议审查的必要性、审查时应否进行 言辞辩论以及审查的形式等问题进行了讨论。

  • In the Common Law System countries there is the Hearsay Rule which is very similar to the Principle of Directness and Verbalism .

    在英美法系也有与之极为相似的传闻证据规则,并且在 许多 方面 体现 严厉 要求

  • The Principle of Directness and Verbalism is a fundamental principle that is universally established in the Civil Law System countries .

    直接 言词原则是大陆法系各国 刑事 审判中普遍确立的基本原则。

  • Polite verbalism is the respect to others . Moreover it adds your demeanor .

    礼貌的 言辞是对别人的尊重,更增添了自己的风度。

  • On the Principle of Directness and Verbalism

    论直接 言词原则

  • The original is expounded through two respects of Zhou Song feature : first the form feature : no chapters and sections the short and small length and the archaic and abstruse verbalism are ;

    《诗经·周颂》主要有两个特征:一、形式特征:不分章节,篇幅短小, 言辞 古奥

  • The contemporary west environmental ethics demonstrates the postmodern dimension at least in several respects such as its criticism basic perspectives ways of thinking frames of concepts and verbalism .

    当代西方环境伦理学至少在批判精神、基本视野、思维方式、观念 构架 话语 表达 方面展示着这一后现代

  • Criteria of behavior cognition emotion and verbalism were distinguishing ones in the measurement of psychological charactristics of aggressive junior middle school students .

    行为、认知、情绪和 言语是测量攻击行为的心理特征的良好指标;