verdict of guilty

[ˈvɚdɪkt ʌv ˈɡɪlti][ˈvə:dikt ɔv ˈɡilti]

[法] 有罪的裁决

  • Bring in return w_404 a verdict of guilty not guilty w_412 There wasn 't much hope they 'd find me innocent .

    陪审 判决 有罪无罪w_430让它们判决我无罪是没啥希望了。

  • The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty . a global advocacy video ;

    陪审团 宣判 无罪。全球宣传录像带;

  • The jury returned a verdict of guilty but insane .

    陪审团 裁定 被告 有罪但精神失常。

  • A verdict of guilty / not guilty Any other agency action is an adjudicative order . Id. § 551 ( 6 ) .

    有罪无罪w_512的 裁断任何其他机关行为均为裁断式的“裁决令”【出处同上,第五百五十一条第(六)款】。

  • A verdict of guilty / not guilty enforceable award

    有罪 无罪w_370的 裁断有执行力的仲裁裁决

  • The jury returned a unanimous verdict of not guilty .

    陪审团返 一致 裁定无罪

  • The jury returned a verdict of guilty and the judge will pass sentence next week .

    陪审团 正式 裁定 有罪,法官将于下周进行宣判。

  • To find someone guilty or to return a verdict of guilty or to return a guilty verdict

    裁定某人有罪或 裁决 有罪或定罪

  • The jury reached a verdict of not guilty .

    陪审团达成“ 无罪裁决

  • In August the U.S.Navy department set this criminal free with a verdict of not guilty .

    同年八月,美国海军部宣布皮尔逊 无罪释放。

  • The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty .

    陪审团 无罪 裁定

  • Bring in return w_654 a verdict of guilty not guilty w_662

    陪审 判决 有罪无罪w_669

  • After several hours the jury returned a verdict of not guilty .

    几小时之后陪审团 宣布无罪 判决

  • The jury brought in a verdict of guilty ( not guilty ) .

    陪审团 裁定 有罪(无罪)。 看法意见判断

  • The jury gave a verdict of guilty .

    陪审团给了个 有罪 看法

  • The jury bring in or returned a verdict of not guilty . He made believe he was innocent

    陪审作出 无罪 裁定。他装出一付无罪的样子

  • The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and the judge sentenced him to three years'imprisonment .

    陪审团 裁决 有罪,法官判了他三年徒刑。

  • The jury returned a verdict of not guilty ( suicide ) .

    陪审团 宣告 无罪(自杀)的 裁决

  • They returned a verdict of not guilty .

    他们宣布了 无罪 判决

  • The jury bring in or returned a verdict of not guilty . The judge gave both sides a hearing .

    陪审团作出 无罪 裁定。陪审团听取双方意见。

  • The jury brought him in a verdict of not guilty .

    陪审宣布他“ 无罪”。

  • The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty .

    陪审团作出 无罪 判决

  • The jury handed down a verdict of guilty .

    陪审团把 有罪 裁决发送下来。

  • The verdict is not likely to be announced for days or even weeks but the vast majority of cases that reach trial in China result in a guilty verdict .

    判决 结果可能要过几天、甚至几周才会宣布,但在中国,开庭的绝大多数案件都会做出 有罪判决。