vertical drainage

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈdrenɪdʒ][ˈvə:tikəl ˈdreinidʒ]


  • With reasonable vertical drainage system and through site monitoring safe excavation of foundation pit and quality of piles were assured .

    通过设置间距合理的 竖向 排水体进行治理及现场监测,最终保证了桩基及整个基坑开挖的安全。

  • The explosive dosage has important influence on the spacing of holes and vertical drainage channels .

    而炸药的药量对于布置爆炸孔和 竖向 排水通道的间距影响具有较大影响。

  • Scheme design of vertical shaft drainage system during shaft construction

    建井期 立井 排水系统方案设计

  • Calculation of Vertical Displacement of Water-supply and Drainage Pipeline with Bell and Spigot Joints

    承插口给水 排水管道的 竖向位移(沉降)计算

  • Discussion of Vertical Drainage Channels for Numerical Analysis of Vacuum Preloading

    真空预压数值分析中 竖向 排水通道的讨论

  • Shifting of vertical vegetation zones in Manas River drainage on northern slope of Tianshan Mountains since the Late Glacier

    天山北坡玛纳斯河 流域晚冰期以来植被 垂直带推移

  • According to the causes thickness and location of soft foundation this paper introduces design and construction method of four soft foundation treatment methods as surface treatment method displacement method loading methods and vertical drainage method which to offer selections for foundation treatment .

    根据软土地基的生成原因、地基厚度及其所处的位置,介绍了表层处理法、置换法、加载法、 竖向 排水法四种软基处理方法的设计思想及施工方法,以供地基处治选择。

  • Study on Dam Reinforcement by Vertical Horizontal Jointed Artesian Drainage

    垂直、水平联合自流 法加固坝体的研究

  • The paper introduced the water control measures in the operation of vertical shaft and the using of horizontal drainage pump for emergency water drainaging .

    介绍了在 立井井筒施工中防治水的措施,以及出现意外出水情况时,为解决应急排水的问题,采用卧泵 排水的有效方法。

  • The construction of vertical drainage bodies causes compacting effect .

    竖向 排水体施工具有挤土效应。

  • The calculating formula for the ratio of pore water pressure in the liquefaction soil treated with stone columns is presented and the ratio has been calculated under the conditions of radial drainage and vertical drainage .

    本文给出了碎石桩处理可液化地基土孔隙水压力比计算公式,并结合工程实际,在考虑径向排水及 排水条件下,对孔隙水压力比进行了计算。

  • Theoretical analysis shows that the radius of construction disturbance zone in the soft clay ground is about 1.2 times of that of the plastic zone and 9 times of that of the guide tube of vertical drainage bodies .

    计算表明扰动区半径可取塑性区半径的1.2倍,扰动区半径约为 竖向 排水体导管半径的9倍。

  • Discussion on the Vertical Design of Seaside Salina Area Development and Its Drainage Problem

    滨海盐碱地开发的 竖向设计与 排水问题探讨

  • At last we make settlement prediction for deep mixing pile and vertical drainage body by curve-fitting method and approach the different settlement prediction method for the different processing method 's applicability .

    最后,通过曲线拟合法对深层搅拌桩法、 竖向 排水体系法处理软土地基后沉降进行了预测,探讨了各种预测方法对软土地基处理方法的适用情况。

  • Driving the plastic drainage board could form the vertical drainage channel accelerate the vent Of hole water and the concretion of clay reduce the sedimentation after construction enhance the load-bearing ability of the foundation .

    它可以在软土层中形成 竖向 排水通道,加速孔隙水的排出和地基固结,减少工后沉降,提高地基土的承载力。

  • Vertical drainage channels were applicable to be treated as the medium of strong permeation during the settlement calculation of roadbed and applicable to be treated as negative pressure boundary conditions for calculating horizontal displacement at the slope toe of roadbed .

    建议在进行沉降计算时,可将 竖向 排水通道作为渗透性很强的介质,而在进行坡脚处水平位移计算时,宜将之作为负压边界。

  • Calculation of excess pore water pressure of saturated sand foundation with different vertical drainage conditions and overburden pressure

    竖向不同 排水条件和上覆压力作用下砂基超静孔隙水压力计算

  • Plastic drainage board has replace the traditional bag sand-well because of the lower cost and convenient construction . Plastic drainage board is the most common vertical drainage system of vacuum preloading tests in recent years .

    塑料排水板由于自身造价低、施工方便等特点已经取代了传统砂井或袋装砂井,是近年来真空预压试验最常用的一种 竖向 排水体。

  • Packed drains also have a vertical reinforcement and anti slide effect besides the drainage .

    排水砂井除 排水作用外,还起到 竖向加筋抗滑作用。

  • In this paper are derived the formulae for calculating excess pore water pressure of saturated sand foundation with or without overburden pressure and with four types of vertical drainage conditions during earthquake and one example for calculating is given .

    本文对砂基在表面作用或不作用上覆压力、具有四种 竖向 排水的条件下,推出了地震期间砂基内超静孔隙水压力的计算公式,并给出了一个算例。

  • Then the key is how to transfer the three-dimensional consolidation to the plain strain consolidation . The construction of vertical drainage bodies causes compacting effect .

    相应的,如何将含竖向 排水体地基的三维固结等效成平面应变固结成为问题的焦点。 竖向 排水体施工具有挤土效应。

  • Using this technology can bore a number of radial holes at different coal seams from the single vertical gas drainage well .

    该技术可以使用同一 垂直 钻孔,在不同煤层内完成多个水平钻孔。

  • Preliminary study on construction disturbance of vertical drainage bodies in the Pearl River Delta

    珠江三角洲地区 竖向 排水体施工扰动初探

  • On the basis of the actual observation data on settlements after construction the effect of the length of vertical drainage body on soft foundation treated by vacuum preloading combined surcharge loading method is explained .

    结合未打穿和打穿竖井地基的工后监测数据,论述了 竖向 排水体长度对真空联合堆载预压处理软土地基效果的影响。

  • A Study of Flexible Permeable Hose as a New Vertical Drainage Material Applied in Ground Treatment

    新型 竖向 排水材料-软式透水管的应用研究

  • The blasting test demonstrates that the horizontal stress wave contributes more to water drainage than vertical stress wave reducing water drainage distance is favorable to squeezing water and consolidation of soil the blasting powder amount influences test result greatly .

    爆炸试验表明,水平向应力波对土体排水的贡献大于 竖向应力波,缩短 排水距离有利于土体的排水固结,炸药用量对试验有很大影响。

  • Effect of Length of Vertical Drainage Body on Soft Foundation Treated by Vacuum Preloading Combined Surcharge Loading Method

    竖向 排水体长度对真空联合堆载预压法处理软基效果的影响

  • Based on the problems in course of measurement and survey of Harbin airport expressway including plain linear vertical section design drainage and utilization of old roads this paper comes up with corresponding solutions .

    本文通过哈尔滨机场高速公路测设中所遇到的平面线形、 断面设计、 排水以及旧路利用等问题,提出了在测设中的解决方法,为以后的设计提供了有益依据。

  • ( 3 ) Containing the clay parting soil after establishing vertical hole of drainage salt each desalinization effect in the field is related away from the distance with the drainage salty hole also has a critical distance namely effective desalinization control radius .

    含粘土夹层土壤建立 孔以后,田内各点的脱盐效果与距离排盐孔的距离有关,且存在一临界距离,即有效脱盐控制半径。

  • Study for the Control of Stability and Settlement in Construction of Soft Soil Road Bank Treated with Surcharge Preloading and Vertical Drainage Wells
