vertical indices

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈɪndɪsiz][ˈvə:tikəl ˈɪndɪsi:z]

[医] 颅长高指数

  • Vertical variation and controlled mechanism of the saturation indices for calcite in Vanda Salt Lake water Antarctica

    南极洲万达盐湖水中方解石饱和 指数 垂直变化及其控制因素

  • RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : The quantitative indicators determination methods and content standards set for pill and granule of Liuwei Dihuang are not consistent between the horizontal and vertical comparisons it is suggested that these indices should be revised when China Pharmacopoeia is reprinted .

    结果与结论:《中国药典》中六味地黄丸和六味地黄颗粒的相关定量指标、测定方法以及含量标准横向与 纵向比较不尽一致,建议 再版《中国药典》时进行修订。

  • It used the method of experiment and divided the subjects into excellent group and ordinary group according to their standing vertical jump ability so as to examine the correlation of morphologic indices and standing vertical jump ability of the subjects in the different groups .

    采用实验法,按原地 跳能力把受试者分为优秀组和一般组,研究不同组间受试者的身体形态 指标和原地纵跳能力的相关性。