vertical incidence

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈɪnsɪdəns][ˈvə:tikəl ˈinsidəns]


  • Axial Direction Diffracted Field Analysis of Circular Aperture with Vertical Incidence of Spherical Wave

    球面波 垂直 入射下圆形口径面的轴向绕射场分析

  • Measuring Refractivity of Irregular Triangular Prism with Method of Vertical Incidence

    垂直 入射法测非等腰三棱镜的折射率

  • Such a modelling for one-dimension anisotropic medium is corresponding to the propagation of the plane wave in the horizontally layered medium with a vertical incidence .

    这是一种一维介质各向异性的模拟,与水平层状介质 垂直 入射平面横波的传播相对应。

  • There were 625 third molars as vertical place among 1158 . Caries incidence of third molars were higher than other molars and premolars ( p < 0.001 ) .

    1158颗第三磨牙中以 垂直位者多见,占53.97%;第三磨牙龋坏 机率高于其他磨牙及双尖牙(p<0.001);

  • Through solving the reflection model some conclusions can be get : When longitudinal wave vertical incidence the energy attenuation of the reflection on solid-solid particles interface is larger than on solid-gas interface .

    通过对纵波 入射在不同界面反射模型的求解,得到以下结论:纵波 垂直 入射时,在固体固体颗粒界面上的反射比固体空气界面上的反射能量衰减大。

  • Measurement of grating constant under non - vertical incidence

    光栅常数非 垂直 入射测量法

  • This system combining vertical incidence longitudinal waves means with oblique incidence shear waves means measured the bar material surface axial and horizontal defect and has gotten the good detection results .

    该系统结合声束的 垂直 入射纵波法和斜入射横波法,对棒材及其表面和近表面的轴向和横向缺陷进行检测并得到良好的检测效果。

  • It can be applied to multiband design under vertical or oblique incidence to lossless isotropic media of a number of dielectric and for metallic layers .

    它也能用于 垂直或斜 入射到多层非损耗性各向同性媒质(包括绝缘介质和金属镀层)的多频段设计中。

  • The technique of poststack seismic inversion which is built on the background of the vertical incidence of reflex cofficient is a gordian technique of reservoir description and reservoir predication .

    建立于反射系数 垂直 入射假设基础之上的叠后地震反演技术,是油藏描述与储层预测的关键技术。

  • Using red and green laser beam to produce two polarized light beams whose polarization directions are respectively parallel and vertical to the incidence plane then the two polarized light beams are mixed .

    利用红色和绿色激光束产生2束偏振方向分别平行及 垂直入射面的偏振光,再混合为1束光。

  • The propagation of acoustic wave in multilayered medium is studied by the analysis for the four-pole parameters matrix on the condition of vertical incidence of a simple-harmonic plane wave and the general formulas of the transmission coefficient and the reflection coefficient are presented .

    通过对四端参数矩阵的分析,探讨了在简谐平面波 垂直 入射的条件下,声波在多层介质中的传播特性,并推导出声透射系数和声反射系数的一般计算公式。

  • Studies on the propagation of the skywave and the groundwave the adaptive communications the high speed data transmission the net communication the adaptive hopping frequency communications and the near vertical incidence skywave communications have got some significant results .

    短波通信在电波传播研究、频率自适应通信、中高速数据通信、组网通信、自适应跳频通信以及近 垂直 入射天波通信等方面都取得了重大突破。

  • An inversion technique based on Genetic Algorithm for obtaining ionosphere layer parameters from vertical incidence and oblique ionograms are studied in this dissertation .

    本文主要利用遗传算法对 垂直 探测和斜向探测电离层参数反演进行了研究。

  • For the vertical incidence of the waves the obvious amplification of the surface displacements appears on the top of the hill in the quite low frequency range as the rigidity of hilly region decreases ;

    当波 垂直传播时,地表位移放大出现在隆起顶部, 频率随隆起区变软,明显 低频移动,可出现在很低频段内,且随隆起区变软放大更为显著;

  • Receiver function is simulated for inhomogeneous media as a special case for elastic wave modeling with nearly vertical incidence plane P wave as initial condition and provide the base for inversion and migration of receiver function in inhomogeneous media .

    以下覆半无限空间近 垂直 入射平面P波,作为弹性波数值模拟的特例,来模拟接收函数,从而为横向非均匀介质中接收函数的反演和偏移成像问题奠定了研究基础。

  • Then galvanized sheet welding tests at different incident angles were carried out under the same ideal parameters at vertical incidence .

    然后在该理想参量下进行了不同 入射角度下的镀锌板焊接试验。

  • In a model with vertical incidence of plane electromagnetic wave into plasma slabs with metal underlay the attenuation of electromagnetic wave and reflected power are deduced .

    采用 垂直 入射具有金属衬底的均匀等离子体模型,对不同入射 频率的电磁波的衰减以及总出入射功率比进行了数值模拟。

  • It is pointed out that the distance chosen according to vertical incidence cannot assure the safety of radar and the oblique incidence should be considered when choosing the distance of radiation sources .

    指出选择点源间距时,仅按 垂直 入射 情况选择的间距不能完全保证辐射源的安全,应该考虑ARM斜入射的情况。

  • Numerical analysis of Kirchhoff diffraction field of arbitrary aperture in vertical incidence of spherical electromagnetic wave

    球面波 垂直 入射下任意口径面基尔霍夫绕射场数值分析

  • Based on the Ionosphere Digital Data which detected by the ionosonde ( vertical detection and oblique incidence detection ) before seismos this paper mainly analyse the phenomenon of the ionospheric anomaly talk about the relationship between earthquake and ionospheric anomaly .

    论文主要利用电离层地面探测( 垂直探测和 探测)仪器探测地震前兆的电离层数据对其异常现象进行分析,讨论研究电离层的异常现象与地震发生的关联性。