vertical magnet

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈmæɡnɪt][ˈvə:tikəl ˈmæɡnit]


  • As one kind of new non-rope lift system the vertical lift actuated by the Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor mainly applies in two aspects : the high-rise construction elevator and the mine hoist system .

    直线同步电机驱动的 垂直提升系统是一种新型的无绳提升系统,它主要应用在高层建筑电梯和矿井提升系统两个方面。

  • A Full Digital Control System of Vertical Elevating System Driven by Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Based on DSP

    基于DSP永 直线同步电动机驱动 垂直运输系统的全数字控制系统的研究

  • When the gyro is vertical the magnet is directly below the center of the disk of copper .

    当陀罗处于 垂直位置时, 磁铁就在铜片中心下。

  • Magnetic Field Intensity Magnetic Flux Density Coercive Force Vertical Axis Wind Turbine NdFeB Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet .

    磁场强度,磁通量密度,矫顽力, 垂直轴风力发电机,稀土钕铁硼永 材料

  • Presently there are pulsating high gradient magnetic separators with a vertical or horizontal magnet system .

    目前有 垂直 系和水平 系脉动高梯度磁选机。

  • Modeling and Simulation of Vertical System Drived by Sectional Primary Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors

    分段式永 直线同步电机 垂直驱动系统建模和仿真