vinyl monomer

[ˈvaɪnəl ˈmɑnəmɚ][ˈvaɪnəl ˈmɔnəmə]


  • The tacticity of polymers is mainly influenced by the polarity of substituent group of vinyl monomer .

    作者认为影响聚合物等 规度的因素主要是取代基的极性效应。

  • Optimization preparation technology of a betaine-type vinyl monomer by uniform design

    均匀设计法优化新型 甜菜碱 的制备工艺

  • The mechanisms of protective colloid in emulsion polymerization were introduced . Research advance of protective colloid in the emulsion polymerization of vinyl monomer conjugated monomer and acrylic monomer were reviewed in detail .

    介绍了乳液聚合中保护胶体稳定聚合物乳液的机理,详细综述了保护胶体在 乙烯 、共轭烯单体和丙烯酸酯类单体乳液聚合中的研究进展。

  • Summary on the remoulding of mechanical seals of pumps for conveyance of vinyl chloride monomer

    乙烯 输送泵机械密封改造总结

  • The introduction of the vinyl monomer containing polar group into PP macromolecular chain could improve the flame retardance of PP obviously .

    在PP大分子链上 接枝含极性基团的 乙烯 ,可显著提高PP的阻燃性能;

  • Determination method of residual vinyl chloride monomer contents in polyvinyl chloride

    GB/T4615-1984聚氯乙烯树脂中残留 乙烯 含量测定方法

  • Brief introduction to the in-situ polymerization of vinyl chloride-nanometer inorganic material and dispersion of inorganic nanometer particles in vinyl chloride monomer .

    简要介绍了氯乙烯-无机纳米材料的原位聚合,并介绍了无机纳米颗粒在 乙烯 中的分散。

  • Application of Fuzzy Fault Tree Method in Risk Analysis of Vinyl Chloride Monomer Tank Explosion

    模糊事故树在分析 乙烯 槽爆炸风险中的应用

  • Study of Amelioration to Lateritic Red Soil by Copolymer of Humic Acids Grafted Vinyl Monomer

    腐植酸 接枝共聚物对赤红壤改良的研究

  • Propagation Rate Constants for the Cationic Polymerization of Vinyl Monomer

    乙烯 正离子聚合中链增长速率常数的研究进展

  • A study on graft polymerization of vinyl monomer onto carbon black

    乙烯 在炭黑表面上的接枝聚合

  • The basic properties and modification methods of casein are introduced in this paper . A modification example using vinyl monomer is also listed here .

    本文论述了酪素的基本性质及其改性方法,交例举一个用 乙烯 体改性酪素的实例。

  • The layers of montmorillonite contain Lewis acid sites and transition metal ions which could be used for catalytic polymerization of vinyl monomer .

    蒙脱土片层含有Lewis酸点及过渡金属离子可用于 的催化聚合反应;

  • The dispersibility of vinyl monomer graft modified carbon black in media has been discussed .

    讨论了 乙烯 接枝共聚改性炭黑在介质中的分散性能。

  • Graft copolymerization of betaine type vinyl monomer onto hydroxyethylcellulose

    甜菜碱型 与羟乙基纤维素的接枝聚合

  • The effects of the type and content of vinyl monomer containing polar group on the flame retardance of PP were studied .

    着重探讨了含极性基团的 乙烯 种类及用量等因素对PP阻燃性的影响。

  • Effect of vinyl monomer structure on graft efficiency of starch graft copolymers

    乙烯 基类 结构与淀粉接枝共聚物的接枝效率

  • Study on serum enzyme activities as effect biomarkers for workers exposed to vinyl chloride monomer


  • It is expected that grafting modification to starch acetate by a class of vinyl monomer or two kinds of monomers is a developing orientation of starch acetate .

    展望了用 乙烯 基类 或两种单体对淀粉进行接枝改性是淀粉醋酸酯的一个发展方向。

  • Glycidyl methacrylate was a vinyl monomer having epoxy group . The polymer poly ( glycidyl methacrylate ) containing epoxy group can be prepared with glycidyl methacrylate by homopolymerization or copolymerization .

    甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯(GMA)是一种含环氧基的 ,通过均聚合或者共聚合可以制备带有环氧基团的聚合物大分子。

  • Study on DNA adduct as the exposure biomarker to vinyl chloride monomer in workers

    DNA加合物作为氯 乙烯接触生物标志物的研究

  • The copolymers of vinyl monomer / N-substituted maleimide were synthesized to be used as the heat-resistant agent ( HRA ) of ABS and PVC .

    本文以制备通用树脂(ABS、PVC)耐热改性剂为目标,以 乙烯 N-取代马来酰亚胺共聚和聚合物共混改性为指导,进行共聚物型耐热改性剂的分子设计。

  • Study on Graft Copolymerization of Casein and Vinyl Monomer Initiated with Super Valence Trans-Metals

    超常价态过渡金属引发酪素与 接枝共聚反应的研究

  • Kinetics of Vinyl Monomer / NSubstituted Maleimide Copolymerization

    乙烯 /N-取代马来酰亚胺共聚合动力学

  • Relationship between genetic polymorphisms of phase ⅰ and phase ⅱ metabolizing enzymes and DNA damage of workers exposed to vinyl chloride monomer

    Ⅰ、Ⅱ相代谢酶基因多态性与氯 乙烯作业工人DNA损伤的关系研究

  • Studies on the atom transfer radical copolymerization of vinyl monomer and vinyl monomer containing nitroxide group

    乙烯 与含氮氧稳定自由基单 的原子转移自由基共聚合研究

  • Susceptibility of Genetic Damage among Workers Exposed to Vinyl Chloride Monomer
