vertical migration

[ˈvɚtɪkəl maɪˈɡreʃən][ˈvə:tikəl maɪˈgreɪʃən]


  • A practical . investigation on demersal fish and DSL rhythmic vertical migration by acoustic method

    应用水声方法考察底栖鱼类和DSL(深海散射层)的 垂直 移动

  • Effects of oil spill on vertical migration of plankton in East China Sea

    溢油对东海浮游生物 垂直 迁移 活动的影响

  • Long-term active successive fault acts as the main vertical migration pathway which has been confirmed by the properties of crude oil and chemical features of the formation water .

    研究表明,长期继承性活动的基底断层是油气 运移的主输导通道,原油性质及地层水化学特征证实了断层的 输导作用。

  • Cambro-Ordovician mudstones upper Cambrian and Carboniferous gypsum rocks and the relatively tight lithologies have blocked the vertical migration of formation fluids in Tarim basin .

    塔里木盆地古生代寒武&奥陶纪泥岩、晚寒武世和石炭纪的膏岩层及较为致密的岩性阻碍了地层流体的 运移

  • Effects of Brassica juncea cultivation density on vertical migration of Cadmium activated by EDTA in the soil

    不同密度印度芥菜对EDTA活化土壤镉 纵向 迁移的影响

  • Theoretical calculation of vertical migration velocity for helium-radon cluster ions under ideal condition

    理想条件下氦氡团簇离子 垂直 移动速度的理论计算

  • Study on the Main Algae Aggregation and Vertical Migration Behavior of the Algal Bloom

    水华污染的优势藻细胞聚集状态与 迁移行为的研究

  • They link deep gas sources to shallow reservoirs and are main pathways for the vertical migration of natural gas .

    断裂勾通深部气源和浅部储集层,是天然气 运移的主要通道。

  • The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density .

    浮游植物密度与浮游动物的昼夜 垂直 移动关系不密切。

  • Re-analysis of the experiment data of vertical migration of radon and its daughters under ideal condition

    对理想条件下Rn及其子体 垂直 运移实验数据的再分析

  • The faults and vertical fissures in the strata are conduits for gas vertical migration which are also controlling the distribution of secondary pools .

    地层中存在的断裂及纵向上延伸的裂缝发育带是天然气 运移的通道,并控制着次生气藏的分布;

  • Hydrocarbon microseepage mechanism and numerical simulation of vertical migration

    烃类物质微渗漏机制及 运移的数值模拟

  • Study on Mechanism of Oil and Gas Vertical Migration with Adsorption Wires

    吸附丝法研究油气 垂直 运移理论

  • Spatial extension horizon of fractures controls vertical migration and accumulation horizon of gas fracturing activity period controls vertical migration period of gas and fracturing seal provides barrier condition for gas accumulation .

    断裂空间延伸层位控制着天然气 上的 聚层位,断裂活动时期控制着天然气垂向运聚时期,断裂封闭为天然气聚集提供了遮挡条件;

  • Vertical migration is an effective technique for improving system performance .

    垂直 迁移是提高系统性能的一项重要技术。

  • Climatic conditions of the road and properties of the subgrade soils all have a strong influence on the vertical migration amount of moisture and the extent of frost heave .

    线路气候条件和路基土质条件都对水分 竖向 迁移和冻胀大小有重要影响。

  • The diurnal vertical migration of planktonic Ostracoda is studied based on the analysis of stratified samples of zooplanktons in the IONESS system .

    根据IONESS系统对浮游动物的分层采样结果,研究浮游介形动物的昼夜 垂直 移动

  • Gas migration is dominated by vertical migration between source rocks and reservoir rocks with unevident lateral migration .

    天然气运移以源、储之间的 运移为主,侧向运移不明显。

  • A directional measurement device has been designed to determine the radon migration in the ideal condition . Both horizontal and vertical migration of radon are studied .

    设计了一套在理想条件下的氡气定向运移实验装置,采用定向测量的方法,对氡气在 垂直方向和水平方向的 运移进行了测量与计算。

  • The periodic activity of fault controls the periodic vertical migration of petroleum along the fault .

    断层活动周期性控制油气 周期性 运移

  • Magnetic responses to vertical migration of fly ash in a soil profile

    土壤剖面中粉煤灰 迁移的磁响应

  • In the study area faults and fractured type transport layer type unconformity type and complex migration system connected the generating hydrocarbon and appropriate potential oil and gas field in which the vertical migration by fault is the most important migration system . 2 .

    油气在研究区通过断层和裂缝型、输导层型、不整合面型以及复合型输导体系运移到合适的圈闭中聚集成藏,其中断层 输导为研究区最重要的输导方式。

  • The curve together with other available data may provide certain important evidences for the vertical migration in Mesozoic systems ;

    此曲线结合其它资科为查明中生界 运移提供了一些重要依据;

  • The late-stage accumulation in the Huanghekou sag is characterized by late quick hydrocarbon generation late vertical migration through faults near-source accumulation and late charge .

    研究结果表明,晚期快速生烃、晚期 断裂 输导、近源成藏和晚期充注是黄河口凹陷油气晚期成藏的主要特征。

  • All of these exhibit the direct evidence for the vertical migration of radioactive materials in the ground .

    这些为油气物质 垂直 运移及放射性异常深部形成机制提供了直接证据。

  • The accumulation of natural gas hydrate beneath the seafloor is related with the vertical migration of hydrocarbon fluid and diapir structure of mud volcano has controlled the accumulation and distribution of the hydrate .

    海底天然气水合物的聚集与烃流体的 运移有关,泥火山底辟构造控制了海底天然气水合物的聚集和分布;

  • Pinghu fault is the main passage for the vertical migration of oil and gas .

    平湖断裂是天然气 运移的主要通道。

  • The ability of vertical migration of diesel oil is much stronger than engine oil .

    柴油的 纵向 迁移能力远大于机油,水温对柴油 纵向 迁移的影响大于其他因素。

  • Modeling vertical migration characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil columns by leaching

    多环芳烃在土壤 剖面 迁移行为的土柱淋滤模拟研究