viper venom

[ˈvaɪpɚ ˈvɛnəm][ˈvaɪpə ˈvenəm]


  • Histological Changes of Experimental Poisoning Animals by Russell 's Viper Venom of Guangdong

    广东 蝰蛇 蛇毒实验中毒性动物的病理变化观察

  • The malignant tongues of gossipers are more fatal than a viper 's venom .

    搬弄是非者的毒舌比 毒液还要致命。

  • Serial observation of Pallas Pit Viper Venom Xiao Shuanling treatment in 35 acute brain infarctive cases

    蛇毒 消栓灵治疗脑梗塞的临床动态观察及研究

  • After the first immunization with little dosage of cobra and ( or ) viper venom specific IgY was detected 9 days later .

    用眼镜蛇、 蝰蛇 、初次小剂量免疫后,卵黄中第9天即可检测到特异性卵黄抗体。

  • As this gaboon viper strikes the dying rat 's heart pumps venom around its body .

    当这条加蓬湾 毒蛇袭击时,濒死的老鼠心脏会抽取 毒液

  • Viper Venom and Scorpid Venom seems to be gone .

    毒蛇 毒液与蝎子毒液似乎被取消。

  • The procoagulant activity of platelet substitutes was detected by the Russell 's viper venom time ( RVVT ) and the hemostatic activity of platelet substitutes was measured in thrombocytopenic rabbits using platelet substitutes .

    采用Russel 蝰蛇 时间测定(RVVT)检测其促凝血活性,并在血小板减少兔体内观测血小板替代物的止血效果。