


  • Yet China seized on this and reacted disproportionately and violently .

    然而中国利用此事作出了夸张而 剧烈的反应。

  • Immediately a great fear fell on her . She shut the door violently and ran away .

    她顿时害怕极了, 猛地关上门,逃走了。

  • She became so nervous that she shook violently

    她太紧张了,浑身抖 厉害

  • The ship rocked violently in the huge waves .

    船只在大浪中 剧烈摇荡。

  • They have come into conflict sometimes violently .

    他们产生了矛盾,有时矛盾还 非常 激烈

  • He lunged at me grabbing me violently

    他向我扑过来, 使劲把我抓住

  • There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face

    安德鲁 狠狠掴了他一巴掌,声音响亮干脆

  • Shaking convulsively or violently .

    痉挛性地或 猛烈 摇晃。

  • The rain commenced pouring violently down .

    瓢泼大雨 猛烈 地下起来

  • They quarrelled violently and after that parted company .

    他们大吵了一架,从此就 断交了。

  • His heart is beating violently in her breast .

    他的心在胸膛里 激烈 跳动。

  • On the second boy 's violently pinching one of the same lady 's fingers she fondly observed how playful William is !

    当她的第二个孩子 用力 捏那位小姐的手指时,她天真地说:“威廉真顽皮!”

  • His hand shook violently and he had a premonition of failure .

    他的手 剧烈 颤抖,他预感到要失败。

  • They reacted violently to the news

    他们对这条新闻反应 强烈

  • She was trembling violently but with a determined effort of will she stopped .

    她颤抖和 厉害,但凭着坚强的意志力,她不再发抖了。

  • Our troops attacked the enemy violently .

    我们的部队向敌人发起了 猛烈 进攻。

  • He pushed her violently away with brutal words .

    骂骂咧咧 粗暴 推开了她。

  • is it coming to that ? kit ! cried the dwarf rubbing his hands violently .

    “也至于那样吗?吉特?”矮子叫道, 狠狠 搓着两只手。

  • They trembled violently and could not fly .

    它们 剧烈 颤抖着,再也飞不动了。

  • Graham began to cough violently

    格雷厄姆开始 剧烈咳嗽

  • I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed by wise men .

    我并不 刚愎自用,以至于对 时贤高见一概排斥。

  • In Petersburg 30 patrolmen have died violently in the past five years .

    在彼得斯堡,过去5年中有30名巡警死于 暴力 事件

  • Her whole body tautened violently

    她全身紧绷得 厉害

  • Nausea surged in him and he retched violently

    他突然觉得恶心, 猛烈 干呕起来。

  • Suddenly the building where I live in Tokyo shook violently and objects began to fall .

    突然,大楼里我在东京住 剧烈震动和对象也开始下降。

  • The rabbit startled violently .

    兔子 大吃一惊

  • Then suddenly she gave a low choking moan and began to tremble violently

    她突然发出一声低沉、憋闷的呻吟,身体开始 剧烈地颤抖。

  • Then I 'll leave I said trembling violently .

    “那我就走,”我说着,浑身 剧烈 颤抖着。

  • Alex jumped up so violently that he overturned his glass of sherry

    亚历克斯一下子 暴跳起来,结果把他那杯雪利酒都打翻了。

  • When he went on she found herself trembling violently .

    等他走了,她发现自己在 剧烈 颤抖。