vertical dimension

[ˈvɚtɪkəl dɪˈmɛnʃən][ˈvə:tikəl diˈmenʃən]


  • Therefore the focus people in rumor always reflect the bipolar of the social structure from the horizontal dimension and the social change in different periods from the vertical dimension .

    因此,谣言、流言中的人物往往在横向上折射出了那个社会的结构的两极,在 纵向上则折射出了不同时期的社会 结构变迁。

  • Great in vertical dimension ; high in stature .


  • The carotid intima-media thickness ( IMT ) refers to the vertical dimension between carotid intima and media .

    颈动脉内膜-中膜厚度(IMT)是指颈动脉血管内膜和中膜之间的 垂直 距离

  • It is created by tectonic stress the vertical dimension of the X joints parallel to the steep banks dump unloading cracks and bedding portfolio development formed a similar special-shaped slide groove borders . It has clear three-dimensional effect .

    受构造应力作用, 垂直 层面的X节理、平行岸坡的陡倾卸荷裂隙和层理组合发育,形成了具有类似槽型状的特殊滑坡边界,三维空间效应明显。

  • The header cells titled MLB NFL NBA and NHL are styled with the same light blue color as the headers of the vertical dimension .

    水平 维度的标题单元格MLB、NFL、NBA和NHL,风格一致,都是淡蓝色。

  • These two settings allowed us to start converting the first column of the grid into the vertical dimension of the matrix .

    这两项设置让我们能将网格第一列转换成矩阵的 竖直 维度

  • In order to understand issues such as reporting relationships authority responsibility and the like we need to begin with the vertical dimension of a firm 's structure .

    为了理解如上下级关系、职权、职责等等概念,我们需要从组织结构的 纵向 层面开始。

  • The vertical dimension lists cities in the Northeast region .

    竖直 维度是东北地区的城市列表。

  • Weaker Masticatory Muscles Affects Temporomandibular Joint Synovitis Induced by Increase of Occlusal Vertical Dimension in Adolescent Rats

    咀嚼力降低状态下升高 咬合对青春期大鼠颞下颌关节滑膜的影响

  • On the strategic implementation this article gives an analysis and elaboration from the time of the vertical dimension transverse dimension of the functions and staff single dimension .

    在战略的实施上,本文从时间的 纵向 维度、职能的横向维度以及员工的单点维度进行了分析和阐述。

  • It will provide a new way for reconstructing vertical dimension of occlusion .

    该系统具有定量性、精确性等优点,对今后 垂直 距离的重建提供又一新思路。

  • There are two dimensions including lateral dimension and vertical dimension in the level of vocational education .

    一个是 纵向 维度,即由岗位从业人员的“成熟度”提高而形成的职业教育层次。

  • The tools include diagram and design models . Thirdly the author makes a discussion on the making of the architecture design strategies based on the vertical dimension thinking .

    挖掘 竖向 维度设计潜力的方法包括图解和设计模型。随后,作者对基于 竖向 维度思考的建筑设计策略的制定进行了探讨。

  • Furthermore the labial movement of anterior teeth distance between maxillary first molar and condyle distance from first molar mesio-buccal cusp to palatal plane may affect vertical dimension of occlusion and jaw .

    凡影响上下中切牙的唇倾度、上颌第一磨牙与髁突的距离、 上颌第一磨牙近颊尖与腭平面距离的因素均可影响磨牙远移后患者的牙合、颌面 垂直 关系

  • Filling in the data for the titles of the headers of the vertical dimension is the second and final step for turning the left-most column of the grid into the vertical dimension of the matrix .

    填入 竖直 维度的标题数据是将网格最左侧列转换成矩阵竖直维度的第二步,也是最后一步。

  • Distance Methods : The transitional occlusal pad restored the vertical dimension and centric relation .

    方法:先采用过渡性牙合垫(牙合垫式义齿)恢复患者的 垂直 距离,正中关系。

  • The vertical dimension is the development extent of the equipment manufacturing enterprises innovation capacity namely exploitation innovative and exploratory innovation the horizontal dimension is the development openness of equipment manufacturing enterprises innovation capability named low open innovation and open innovation .

    其中, 纵向 维度是装备制造企业开发创新能力的程度即利用性创新和探索性创新,横向维度是装备制造企业发展创新能力的宽泛度即低开放性创新和开放性创新。

  • On the vertical dimension we distribute extra space in a ratio of ( 1 ) corresponding to ( top margin button itself bottom margin ) .

    垂直 方向上,按照与(上边距,按钮本身,下边距)对应的(1,4,2)的比例分配额外空间。

  • From vertical dimension the intervention of foreign powers propel the internationalization of separatism forward .

    垂直 上,外部势力的干涉,推动了分裂主义的国际化升级。

  • This thesis is focused on the integration of the status quo of network media mobile media television media and convergent personnel training researching the new forms new systems the new models of News production from the vertical dimension .

    本论文集中研究融合现状明显的网络媒体、手机媒体、电视媒体和融合型人才培养,从 纵向 维度展开对新闻生产的新形态、新系统、新模式的研究。

  • The key / value pairs ( city : ) are the header titles of the vertical dimension .

    键/值对(city:)是 竖直 维度的头部标题。

  • Determining the Correct Vertical dimension of occlusion is one of the most important steps in making complete dentures .

    确定正确的咬合 垂直 距离是全口义齿修复中最重要的步骤之一。

  • The study on the vertical dimension is mainly divided into two sections the physiology of changing vertical dimension and methods for determining occlusal vertical dimension .

    咬合 垂直距离的研究主要为探讨其生理机制和确定其方法两个方面。

  • The level dimensions of five stages and the vertical dimension of the two main agencies ( within the organization and outside the organization ) build the model of the process of innovation management of inter-organizational network . 2 .

    基于水平维度的五个创新阶段和 垂直 维度上的两个创新主体(组织内和组织外),构建跨组织网络的创新管理的过程模型。

  • The headers of the vertical dimension make up the left-most column of the rowData store .

    竖直 维度的标题构成了rowData存储最左边的列。

  • Conclusion : Increasing vertical dimension in deep overbite patients can improve the mandibular movement .

    咀嚼运动的各向运动幅度均有显著性增加。结论:深覆患者升高 垂直 距离能改善下颌运动功能。

  • Cracks are mainly parallel planes the vertical dimension of joint and inclined seam to seam cracks can make local destruction of mudstone caprock .

    裂缝主要有平行层面缝、 垂直 而缝与斜向缝,裂缝可使泥质岩盖层局部遭到破坏。