vertical cover

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈkʌvɚ][ˈvə:tikəl ˈkʌvə]

[计] 垂直覆盖

  • The result shows some cracks appearing on vertical weld connecting web plate of body bolster and draft sill as well as the part between web plate of body bolster and top cover plate .

    试验结果表明,无中梁罐车存在枕梁腹板与牵引梁 焊缝裂纹及枕梁腹板与枕梁上 盖板之间的裂纹。

  • The vertical slice does not necessarily cover every possible contingency ; for example a vertical slice may not provide error checking or may stub out various pieces of the technology .

    垂直部分不必 覆盖每一个可能的偶然事件;例如,一个垂直部分可能不提供错误校验或者可能“掐灭”几个技术。

  • Finally with our legs heavy with water and mud we climbed the vertical iron stairs to the manhole cover .

    终于我们拖着沉重而又满是泥水的脚,一步一步地从 铁梯下往上爬到铁 处。

  • Landfill gas is entrapped by a collection system consisting of vertical wells and horizontal pipes grid that transfers gas to the CHP plant where it is converted to enough power to cover the needs of a town of 15 inhabitants .

    竖井和水平管网组成的集气系统将填埋气引入热电厂,产生的电足够供应 15000人的城镇。

  • Vertical gardens will cover the buildings'exterior walls and terraces .

    垂直花园将 覆盖建筑物的外墙和阳台。

  • The Vertical Structure Diversity Index and Cover Weighted Foliage Height Diversity Index based on the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index were used to measure the complicated degree of the vertical structure of the plant community .

    提出了以Shannen-Wiener多样性指数为基础的植物群落 垂直结构多样性指数和 盖度加权叶层多样性指数、作为森林植物群落垂直结构复杂性的测度。

  • Study on Vertical Distribution of Water Temperature of Reservoir with Seasonal Ice Cover

    季节性 冰封水库 水温分布研究

  • 903 Vertical bag portable water purifier for squad or platoon is composed of vertical bag purifier GX-polymeric compound water purifying reagent potable water disinfectant outer cover watering bag and etc.

    903立袋式班排便携净水器是由 袋净水器、GX&多聚复合高效净水剂、饮水消毒片、外套 加水袋等部件组成。

  • From the vertical perspective our services cover strategic consulting creative communication and details of the implementation of every detail ;

    纵向来看,我们的服务 涵盖了策略咨询、创意沟通以及细节执行每一个细节;

  • The vertical structure of the community is the shrub layer and grass layer and cover plant layer ;

    群落 垂直结构简单,只有灌木层、草本层和 层;

  • Vertical Variations of Atmospheric CO_2 Concentration over Desert and Oases with Different Cover

    沙漠及绿洲不同 下大气CO2浓度的 梯度变化

  • The stress-free time under oblique load is shorter than vertical load . Stability Analysis of soft batt tunnel and the surrounding rock under status of shallow cover layer and oblique load

    斜向冲击载荷时,牙周膜应力下降直至消失的时间比巫 冲击 载荷短。浅 偏压状态下软弱泥质页岩隧道洞室及围岩的稳定分析