visible file

[ˈvɪzəbəl faɪl][ˈvizəbl fail]


  • A minor version which you can think of as a draft may be visible only to people who have permission to edit the file .

    次要版本(可以将其想像为草稿)则可能只有具有 文件编辑权限的人员才能 看到

  • There will be no progress bar visible nor any comments to let the user know when the collection is complete therefore check the Microsoft Windows temp directory for the completed file .

    当收集完成时,没有任何 可见进度条或注释告知用户,因此应该查看MicrosoftWindows临时目录,寻找已完成 文件

  • One of the first visible differences in ext4 is the increased support for file system volumes file sizes and subdirectory limits .

    ext4的一个 明显差别就是它支持更大的 文件系统、文件和子目录。

  • On the Visual C + + 6.0 exploitation platform the visible curve surface-splicing work based on STL file is also realized the primary system software is built by using facing-object modularization mode .

    在Visualc++6.0开发平台上,完成了基于STL 文件 可视化曲面拼接工作,并用面向对象的模块化开发方式完成了整个系统的初步软件开发工作。

  • When the burn tool is used in shadows a visible element of everything that can be seen in the raw file must remain visible .

    当减淡工具在阴影地方使用的时候,原片中所有 可视部分应依然保持可以被识别。

  • In this case it allows you to simply copy the Flex files into a directory visible to your server and the flex codes will be compiled automatically when you request the main application file using your Web browser .

    在本例中,只需将Flex文件简单复制到服务器 可见的目录下即可,并且在您用Web游览器请求主应用程序 文件时,flex代码将会自动编译。

  • While the left margin marks only things currently visible in the editor the right margin shows everything marked in the file .

    尽管左侧空白上只标记了目前 可以在编辑器中 看见的事物,但右侧空白显示了在 文件中做了标记的所有事物。

  • In the alternative model called code separation the visible elements are in one file and the code is in another file referred to as the code-behind file .

    在另一种称为“代码分离”的模型中, 可见元素在一个 文件中,代码在另一个称为“代码隐藏”文件的文件中。

  • Another way to make your services visible to user-space is through the / proc file system .

    让您的服务对用户空间 可见的另外一种方法是通过/proc 文件系统。

  • In Raw data a line is visible where colors slightly change when developed by Raw File Converter .

    在原始数据行是 可见的颜色略有变化的地方时,转换器开发的原始 文件

  • This requires that a certificate for the externally visible hostname be stored in a Cryptographic Message Syntax ( CMS ) key database file .

    这要求将外部 可见的主机名的凭证存储在一个CryptographicMessageSyntax(CMS)密钥数据库 文件中。

  • A major version which you can think of as a published file is visible to anyone with permission to read the file .

    具有文件读取权限的任何人都 可以 看到主要版本(可以将其想像为已发布的 文件)。

  • Aiming at disadvantages of infrared image for the existing file formats and as standardization and BMP Image File Format visible shortcomings a new infrared image file format was designed .

    针对现有的红外图像文件格式与BMP等一些规范化的 可见 图像文件格式的缺点,设计了一种新的红外图像 文件格式。