visible means


  • The modernization of museum not only means the visible objects like modern facilities constructions and images but also means the invisible objects like new conception of function and value of the museum .

    博物馆的现代化并不意味着仅仅是设备、构成 手段、形象的现代化( 有形的),而同样 重要的是其体现的职能概念和人们对博物馆价值观念的现代化(无形的)。

  • After that the system can exhibit visible results by means of synthetical statistics from text processing .

    通过对文本处理的综合统计,给出 可视化的结果。

  • Conclusion : Our study indicates that the visible peridural puncture apparatus might have its value in its clinical applications for it provides an applicable means of visible manipulation reduces puncture time significantly improves anesthetic quality increases puncture accuracy and decreases possible occurrence of complications .

    结论:硬膜外穿针器可为 穿刺置管提供 可视性操作,减少穿刺时间,提高麻醉质量,可能潜在地提高穿刺准确性,减少并发症的发生,值得在临床上推广应用。

  • What is said cannot is unsaid . visible trade ( exports and imports means )

    话已出口,无法收回. 有形贸易(进出口, 财产

  • Illegal entry upon or appropriation of the property of another . a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support .

    非法侵入他人财产非法侵入或占有熔他人的财产没有固定的居所或 有形 财产的流浪者。

  • Provide a visible means of buying from promotional pages .

    提供了一个 有形 手段购买的促销页面。

  • So I think it 's pretty clear when Socrates starts talking about what 's visible versus what 's invisible he doesn 't limit himself to vision he means to be talking about all of the5 senses .

    所以我认为很清楚的是,苏格拉底,在谈论何为 有形,何为无形的时候,并没有局限在看这一种感官上,他要谈的是所有的五种感官。

  • With the development of visible and infrared imaging technology integrating and exploring the feature information of visible and infrared images to get the better fusion image has become an effective technology means .

    随着可见光与红外成像技术的发展,综合和发掘 可见 与红外图像的特征信息,使其融合成信息更全面的图像已发展成为一种有效的技术 手段

  • Put the infrared thermal radiation signals into a visible target which is important means of military reconnaissance warning and night charge cable .

    将红外热辐射信号转化为 可见的目标物,是军事侦察、预警和夜间收索的重要 手段

  • Threshold values of clouds and surface objects are gained in visible and infrared window channels by means of a statistic histogram analysis made of 32 × 32 pixel matrixes followed by cloud recognition done from pixel to pixel in each of the matrixes .

    在红外通道和 可见 通道,分别对每32×32个像元组成的像元阵 进行直方图统计,求出区别云和地物值域的阈值,然后对每个像元阵内的逐个像元进行云判识。

  • Electrically induced visible light-emitting PS device with structure of ITO / PS / p-Si / Al were fabricated by means of evaporation-anodic oxidation method . The light emission of the device lasted for a few hours under 7.5V forward bias conditions . Luminescent and electronic properties were investigated .

    采用蒸镀-阳极氧化法制备了多孔硅异质结(ITO/PS/p-Si/Al)电致发光器件,在 7.5V较低电压下实现了数小时连续电致发光,并给出了该器件的发光和电学性能的测量结果。

  • 3D modeling is superior to 2D drawing in visible designing assemble designing analysis designing and machining simulating and is important means to improve designing and product quality .

    计算机三维造型在 可视化设计、装配设计、设计分析、加工仿真等方面有着二维平面设计无法比拟的优越性,是提高设计质量的重要 手段

  • Tao is neither visible nor tangible ; it is beyond our sensory perception but yet cognitive by means of logical thinking .

    道是 无形 的,也超出了我们的意识感觉和逻辑认知的 能力

  • Characterization of the optical property of this film was conducted with the help of high resolution EMS and UV visible absorption spectrum and some other means of analysis and measurement .

    借助高倍电子显微镜、紫外 可见吸收光谱等分析测试 手段,对薄膜的光学性质进行表征。

  • Illness infectious disease or any bodily injury or death which is not caused solely and directly by violent accidental external and visible means .

    疾病、传染病或非因意外事故而 引致的受伤或死亡。

  • The system provides informational visible and automatic means for outdoors exploration .

    该系统为野外勘查提供了信息化、 可视化、自动化的 手段

  • Architects tell their clients that floors can span 100 metres without any visible means of support .

    建筑师告诉他们的客户,在没有任何 有形支撑物的情况下,楼板可以延伸100米。

  • Visible and infrared image fusion technique was often used for visible image is rich in detail at the same time infrared image can provide a clear outline of object and also can find hidden object . That means they have complementary information .

    其中常使用可见光和红外光两种光谱图像融合, 可见 成像图像的细节丰富, 红外光的轮廓清晰且能发现隐藏物体,两者在信息捕获上具有一定的互补性。

  • Establishment of visible logistics management information system or transparent logistics supply chain has become an efficient means and path for improving enterprise competition decreasing inventory and bullwhip effect and quicken capital turnover .

    建立 可视的物流管理信息系统或者透明物流供应链已成为企业取得竞争优势、减少库存及其牛鞭效应、加快资金周转的有效 手段和途径。

  • Like the cartoon Road Runner going off the edge of a cliff the Canadian company has been spinning its legs without visible means of support for some time .

    正如动画《哔哔鸟和大笨狼》中大笨狼怀尔跑出悬崖的样子,这家加拿大公司在没有任何 可见支撑的情况下双腿 打转有一段时间了。

  • It is often possible to diagnose disease at very early stage without any harmful radiation and before it is visible by other means .

    它与 X-ray和CT等其它影像 手段相比,具有无有害辐射和能够早期诊断疾病等 优点

  • He lives in an opulent apartment But has no visible means of support .

    他住在一间豪华公寓里,但 看上去没有任何经济来源。

  • Single transverse-mode and single longitudinal-mode stabilized Al_xG-a_ ( 1-x ) As CSP visible semiconductor laser is fabricated by means of liquid phase epitaxy at the temperature of 780 ℃ .

    采用低温780℃液相外延制成了稳定 单横模、单纵模工作的AlxGa(1-x)AsCSP结构 可见 半导体激光器,波长7500?

  • The physical body is dense matter that is visible to the eye and that means that the particles are vibrating at a slow rate .

    身体的密度很大可以被 肉眼所见, 意味 能量微粒以很低的频率在震动。

  • The organs of olfactory and auditory are both visible on the surface such structure makes it very easy to detect the olfactory and auditory function by means of behavior experiments .

    斑马鱼的嗅觉、听觉器官都在体表 可见,可以很容易地用行为学实验 手段对嗅觉和听觉功能进行检测。

  • While analyzing the sound it can provide visible means for language training and learning so as to make up for the hearing obstacle through vision . By means of M .

    在语音分析的同时,为语音训练和学习提供 可视化 辅助 手段,从而实现利用正常视觉弥补听觉障碍。

  • Visible trade ( exports and imports means ) wealth reckoned in terms of money .

    有形贸易(进出口, 财产)以钱币形式表现的财富。

  • She is without any visible means of support ie has no work income etc.

    她生活 (无工作、收入等)。

  • If the progress bar is visible it means that the project build is in progress and you must wait for it to finish .

    如果进度条 可见的话,那么这就 意味 项目构建正在进行当中,而您必须等到它完成为止。