visual sensation

[ˈvɪʒuəl sɛnˈseʃən][ˈviʒuəl senˈseiʃən]


  • Each element provides a different visual sensation that resonates as a harmonic within the symphony Yip conducts .

    每一个元素都给人带来不同的 视觉 感受,这些和声的共鸣构成了叶锦添指挥的交响曲。

  • Image design should not only communicate directly and accurately the information stimulate visual sensation but also take into account the understanding of the audience so as to realize the psychological interaction and communication and ultimately reach a stage of emotion exchange .

    图形设计不仅要能够直观、准确地传达信息,调动 视觉激发 心理,更重要的是要考虑受众的理解心理,实现心灵触动和沟通,最后达成情感的交流。

  • Results In 19 cases visual improvement in 10 patients over 0.5 and 4 by 0.2 ~ 0.5 by 0.05 ~ 0.1 patients without light sensation and no improvement after treatment .

    结果19例中,10例 视力恢复至0.5以上,4例0.2~0.5例 0.05~0.1例病人治疗前无光感,治疗后无改善。

  • Movement and Stillness in Visual Sensation of Painting

    绘画 知觉中的动与静

  • Pain : visual analogue scale ( VAS ) was adopted in which no any pain sensation was 0 score unable to bear pain with imagination was 10 scores . Pain score was recorded during quiet and movement stages .

    疼痛症状:采用 目测类比评分,以没有任何疼痛 感觉为0分,设想的不能忍受的疼痛为10分,记录安静时、运动时疼痛评分。

  • Attribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light .

    与表面呈现发光多少有关的 视觉属性。

  • Results ① Compared with DSA image virtual cerebral arteries possessed similarity in appearance and had a benefit for better understanding the vascular three-dimensional spatial relationship in visual sensation .

    结果①虚拟脑动脉系统与DSA图像相比,在形态上具有相似性,在 视觉上更容易理解血管的三维空间关系;

  • It 'll cause quite a visual sensation .

    将会引起相当的 视觉 效果

  • Can we define visual beauty at something which arouses pleasant sensation in the viewer ?

    我们能否把 视觉美解释为是一种能引起观看者 美感的东西呢?

  • The Visual Sensation of Building Image Vision

    建筑形象的 视觉 感受

  • On the Synthetical Sensation Ability of Music Discussion on visual sensation of building image

    论音乐综合感知能力的系统训练试论对建筑形态的 视觉 感受

  • The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The way of taking information and processing style of information is changed because of the defect in visual sensation . The defect of sense organ and the compensate function are simultaneously exist in visually handicapped group .

    实验的主要结果表明:(1) 视障人群由于 视觉的缺陷,改变了接受外界信息的途径,也改变了信息加工的方式,感官的缺陷和补偿作用同时存在于视障人群身上。

  • The visual field defect was chiefly of central or pericentral scotoma ; and the color sensation was severely affected .

    注视着自己的中心问题。 视野缺损主要为中心暗点或旁中心暗点, 色觉障碍严重。

  • Unlike protein products under low moisture proteins extruded under high moisture conditions can have well defined fiber formations resemble chicken or turkey breast meat and therefore have enhanced visual appearance and taste sensation .

    与低湿度下生产蛋白产品不同的是,高湿条件下挤压出的蛋白有很好的纤维化结构,它类似于鸡肉或火鸡脯肉,因而提高了 视觉效果和 口感

  • Visual information plays an important role in the process of sensation world by human .

    在人 感知世界的过程中, 视觉信息扮演着重要的角色。

  • ( physics ) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation .

    (物理学)能够刺激 视觉的电磁辐射。

  • Physical sensation is a complicated and integrated dynamic system while the visual sensation is a special medium of the operation of this system .

    人体感觉是一个复杂而又具有整体性的动力结构系统,而 视觉正是这一系统进行运作的“特殊中介”。

  • The runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision ; he had a visual sensation of intense light .

    跑步的人从树后进入他的 视觉范围。

  • Stereo image can record the real information of the world and provide more natural visual sensation than the traditional plane image so it has more bright applicable future .

    立体图像可以记录真实的三维世界信息,使 观众 产生身临其境的 视觉 感受,具有广阔的应用前景。

  • As for the user viewing experience ZON have a good evaluation on dynamic image . And the learners of different national backgrounds also have different visual sensation .

    在汉语教学网站使用者视觉感受上,男性对于教学网站ZON的图片与动态图像方面有较好的评价,除此之外,学习者之国籍背景的不同也对 视觉 感受有所差异。

  • The function of strengthening advertisement visual transmission in particular which is in color emotion gestalten word image design and sensation design is focused on .

    分析和研究的重点在于情感色彩、完形构成设计、文字的形象化设计以及 感觉设计在强化平面广告的 视觉传达中的作用。

  • Discussion on visual sensation of building image

    试论对建筑形态的 视觉 感受

  • The swimming pool of the hotel enjoys a stunning view of the sea providing a visual sensation while working out .

    酒店游泳池 坐拥优美海景,能让您在运动的同时满足 视觉的享受。