visible light

[ˈvɪzəbəl laɪt][ˈvizəbl lait]


  • The near-infrared scattering light was thus converted to the visible light band .

    该过程将晶体内近红外波段的弹性散射光转换到 可见 波段。

  • Electromagnetic radiation is another common dataset ( for example near-infrared radiation or visible light ) .

    电磁辐射是另一种常见的数据集(例如,近红外辐射或 可见 )。

  • Only radio near-infrared and visible light waves can be studied within the earth 's atmosphere .

    在地球的大气层以内,只能对射电波、近红外波和 可见 光波进行研究。

  • So optical radiation is just visible light energy spreading out .

    所以光辐射只是分散开的 可见 光能

  • Employing multilayer anti-reflection films the one-side coated glass can increase visible light transmission .

    本实用新型由于沉积了多层增透减反膜层,提高了所述镀膜玻璃的 可见 透过率。

  • The ultraviolet light is then converted to visible light by phosphors on the surface of the discharge tube .

    而紫外线通过放电管屏面上的荧光粉转变成 可见

  • These are photodetectors band gap two electron volts respond to visible light .

    这是光电探测器,能带隙为2电子伏,当它反应于 可见

  • The Galactic core is obscured in visible light by dust clouds which infrared light can penetrate .

    “银河系核心在红外线可穿过的 可见 中被尘埃云遮盖”是啥意思?

  • The solar constant includes all types of solar radiation not just the visible light .

    太阳常数包括所有类型的太阳辐射,而不仅仅是 可见

  • And what is going to allow for absorption or some interaction with visible light ?

    哪些因素会影响吸收,或者与 可见 的关系呢?

  • A device which transmits an extremely narrow and coherent beam of electromagnetic energy in the visible light spectrum .

    一种能够发射 可见光谱电磁能的极细的相干光束的装置。

  • The polymers can also emit strong fluorescence with the excitation of ultraviolet ( UV ) or visible light .

    在紫外或 可见 的激发下,也能发射出较强的荧光。

  • X-rays have the same mature as visible light but their wavelength is much less .

    x射线与 可见 具有相同的性质,但x射线波长要短得多。

  • Visible light transmittance of coated glass is one of the important indexes of optical properties .

    镀膜玻璃 可见 透射比是其光学特性的重要指标之一。

  • Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves .

    一种波长比 可见 长比无线电波短的电磁射线。

  • Experimental results show that the fiber laser can achieve visible light output in high efficiency .

    结果表明,该光纤激光器能够高效率地实现 可见 输出。

  • Visible light is just one form of radiation .

    可见 仅是辐射的其中一种形式。

  • Like humans most animals rely on visible light for seeing and plants rely on it for photosynthesis .

    和人类一样,大多数的动物需要依赖 可见 才能看见东西,而植物则需要光来进行光合作用。

  • A sodium chloride crystal is transparent to visible light .

    氯化钠晶体对 可见 透明。

  • The next step is coming up with a nanotube material that has a high efficiency in pure visible light .

    下一步就是制作在纯 可见 下同样具有高效率的奈米管材料。

  • There are radical variations in the way languages carve up the spectrum of visible light ;

    语言中划分 可视 光线的光谱中存在根本变化;

  • The new work points the way for an improved version that could hide people and objects from visible light .

    这个新设计为一项改良理论指明了道路,证明在 可见 光线中是能让人和物隐形的。

  • This photo shows the sun in visible light with a few sunspots .

    下图显示了在 可见 波段下的太阳,日面上有不少黑子。

  • Whatever product you use should emit only visible light because ultraviolet light damages the eyes .

    你所用的任何产品都应该只发射 可见 ,因为紫外辐射会伤眼睛。

  • The traditional answer to this question was that most of the sun 's radiation is visible light so our eyes evolved to see those wavelengths .

    一般对这一问题的回答是:大多数的太阳光都是 可见 ,所以我们的眼睛在进化过程中已经形成了选择性偏好。

  • Much of visible light reaching us from the solar corona also seems to be due to scattering by electrons .

    从日冕中射来的相当大一部分 可见 看来也是由电子散射产生的。

  • Some radio pulsars are also seen in visible light X-and gamma rays .

    有些射电脉冲星还会发射 可见 、X以及伽马射线。

  • How does the blackbody spectrum of the sun compare to visible light ?

    可见 对比,太阳的黑体光谱是怎样的?

  • I like purple purple is the shortest wavelength of visible light waves .

    我喜欢紫色,紫色是波长最短的 可见 光波

  • Put forward an available method aimed at the requirements of CCD visible light camera with high frame rate .

    针对某高帧频CCD 可见 相机的设计要求,提出一种可行的驱动时序设计方法。