visible radiation

[ˈvɪzəbəl ˌrediˈeʃən][ˈvizəbl ˌreidiˈeiʃən]


  • The monthly mean ratio of visible to total radiation is47.3 % infrared to total is45.6 % and UV to total is7.1 % .

    月总 辐射 可见辐射占总 辐射的百分比年平均为47.3%,相应的紫外辐射和近红外辐射分别占7.1%和45.6%。

  • Establish the the calculation model of gas ultraviolet visible and infrared radiation properties and based on Mie theory particle radiation properties calculation model is obtained . 2 .

    建立了高温气体紫外、 可见、红外 辐射特性参数计算的逐线法、窄谱带模型和栅栏模型,并基于Mie氏理论建立了高温粒子辐射特性参数计算模型。

  • Influence of relative humidity on absorption of visible radiation of aerosol

    相对湿度对大气气溶胶 可见 辐射吸收的影响

  • Using a multichannel quartz optical-fiber system calibrated with a standard tungsten strip lamp the radial profiles of the visible bremsstrahlung radiation power in the HL-1 tokamak were measured .

    采用经钨带灯标准光源标定的多道石英光纤光学系统,测量了HL-1装置等离子体 可见 波段轫致 辐射功率的径向分布。

  • Base on the correlation analysis when considering the affecting factors of isoprene emission it is not only to consider solar visible radiation temperature but also the water vapor .

    根据相关分析,在考虑影响异戊二烯的排放因子时,不仅要考虑通常的影响因子& 可见 辐射、温度,还要考虑水汽的作用。

  • Double & band antireflection coatings on glasses for 1.06 μ m and visible or ultraviolet radiation : design and experiment

    1.06μm、 可见外用玻璃衬底宽双波段增透膜

  • Characteristics of visible radiation in the HL-1 device with wall carbonization and pump limiter

    HL-1装置碳化和采用抽气孔栏时的 可见 辐射观测

  • A measurement of atmospheric extinction of solar visible radiation on the mountain area

    高山地区太阳 可见 辐射大气消光的观测研究

  • Mechanism of photocatalytic degradation of dye pollutant & alizarin red under visible light radiation


  • Absorption spectrum A plot of the absorbance by a substance of radiation at different wavelengths usually of ultraviolet visible of infrared radiation .

    吸收光谱:记录物质对不同波长的光,通常是紫外光、 可见 红外光 吸收情况的图。

  • Measuring nonequilibrium visible radiation of spherical steel model in ballistic range

    弹道靶中球模型非平衡 可见 辐射的测量

  • Cirrus Cloud Ice Particle Density Variation Effect on the Visible Radiation Transfer

    卷云中粒子的密度变化对 可见 波段 能量传输的影响

  • The emissions of isoprene - pinene and β - pinene from soil are very small with the ratio of 0.2 % 0 % to a fixed ACSP at similar solar visible radiation and leaf temperature respectively .

    土壤异戊二烯、α蒎烯、β蒎烯等的排放很小,分别占相近 可见 辐射和温度条件下固定羊草样地排放的0.2%、0、3.0%。

  • The results calculated show : collisional excitation radiations emitted are more important than chemiluminescent radiations ; infrared radiations are more important than visible radiation .

    计算结果表明:激发发射辐射比化学发光辐射重要,红外辐射比 可见 辐射重要。

  • Measurements of radial profiles of visible bremsstrahlung radiation in the HL-1 TOKAMAK

    HL-1装置等离子体 辐射径向分布的测量

  • The ratios of infrared and visible light radiation to total solar radiation varied with the seasons at the center and north edge of the canopy gap which fully indicated the environmental heterogeneity within the canopy gap .

    林窗中央和北侧林冠下的红外 辐射可见光在总辐射中所占份额随季节的变化而不同,充分显示了林窗辐射环境的异质性;

  • A measure of the visible electromagnetic radiation .

    测量 可见电磁 辐射的单位。

  • For annual average visible radiation accounts for 48 % .

    年平均 可见 辐射可达48%。

  • When using the static chamber method the difference of isoprene emission flux caused by the differences of solar visible radiation temperature humidity and water vapor content between the inside and outside of the chamber should be considered especially for the difference of solar visible radiation .

    在使用箱方法时,应该考虑箱内外 辐射、温湿度、水汽含量之差引起的排放通量的差别,特别是箱内外辐射之差所引起排放通量的差别。

  • To study standard procedures for the evaluation of ultraviolet visible and infrared radiation global radiation and optical properties of materials and luminaires .

    研究紫外线、 可见 红外线、全天空辐射、物体及照明体等项目之光量特性的标准评估程序。

  • Under visible light radiation this aqueous RAFT polymerization proceeded rapidly at early stage .


  • Results show that discussed in this topic Based on infrared / visible radiation temperature measuring system technology with high temperature accuracy and response speed meet the requirements of practical applications .

    本文最后通过实验测试给出了该 辐射测温系统的各项性能参数,结果证明本课题所论述的基于红外/ 可见 技术的 辐射测温系统具有较高的测温精度和响应速度,符合实际应用的要求。

  • Numerical simulation of visible and infrared radiation properties of hypersonic reentry bodies

    高超声速再入体 可见、红外 辐射特性数值模拟

  • Solar visible radiation air temperature and water vapor content were the main factors to affect isoprene emission and solar visible radiation was the most important factor to control the isoprene emission .

    因子分析表明, 可见 辐射、温度、水汽含量是影响异戊二烯排放的主要因子,而且可见光辐射是控制其排放过程的最主要因子。

  • Optical transmission spectrum demonstrates that this crystal is transparent for visible radiation ( wavelength is more than 380nm ) and the dispersion displays that the birefringence of it is up to 0.12 in the short wavelength range .

    透射率光谱显示该晶体在波长大于 380nm 可见光谱区是透明的。色散关系表明此材料的双折射较大,在短波区域寻常光及非常光的折射率之差约为0.12。

  • Experiments of LW and SW infrared and visible radiation on human beings were made and temperature changes of the radiated skin hypodermis and muscle were measured with a thermocouple meter .

    综述了用长、短波红外辐射和 可见 辐射对人体进行 辐照的实验情况,用热电偶温度计测定人的皮肤、皮下组织和肌肉内的温度变化,分析 红外辐射对改善人体局部血液循环的可能机制。

  • Effects of Humidity Fluctuation on the Structure Parameter of the Refractive Index for Visible Radiation

    湿度起伏对 可见 波段折射率结构常数的影响

  • Continuously tunable UV radiation is obtained by collinear doubling and non-collinear mixing from visible radiation of pulsed dye laser .

    脉冲染料激光器的 可见 波段 辐射通过共线倍频和非共线混频实现紫外波段的连续可调谐输出。