visible items

[经] 在支付平衡中的有形项目

  • Other properties provide the weight of an item and the count of visible items .

    而另一些属性则提供了项的权重和 可见 的数目。

  • A string constant used in postback event arguments to indicate whether the list should jump to the first item beyond the currently visible items .

    在回发事件参数中使用的字符串常量,用于指示列表是否应跳转到当前 可见 之外的第一个项。

  • When you apply a filter the displayed totals are based on visible items only .

    应用筛选时,显示的汇总仅基于 可见 项目

  • A personal view is not visible to other users . Therefore you cannot allow other users to change the order of items in this view .

    个人视图对于其他用户不 可见,因此您不能允许其他用户更改此视图中 项目的次序。

  • The basic structure and technical indicators of the visible spectrometer are described and key points of the measurement and examination method as well as items that have to be considered are summarized in combination with years of practical experiences .

    阐述了 可见分光光度计的基本结构、技术指标,并结合多年的实践总结了计量检定方法的要领和注意 事项

  • The HSQLDB submenu visible for any Java Project containing two groups of items .

    “HSQLDB”子菜单包含两组 选项,对任何Java项目都 可见

  • When the window is visible you can use the menu items to edit the currently displayed card .

    当窗口 可见时,可以使用菜单 编辑当前显示的卡片。

  • All the classic symptoms of a credit bubble have been visible in China as property prices spiral to absurd income ratios non-financial companies increasingly engage in financial and commodity speculations and households engage in consumption of luxury items and over-consumption of housing .

    人们 在中国 看到信贷泡沫的所有典型症状:房价收入比攀升至荒谬的水平,非金融公司越来越多地从事金融和大宗商品投机,老百姓购买 奢侈品、在住房方面超前消费。