visual hallucination

[ˈvɪʒuəl həˌlusəˈneʃən][ˈviʒuəl həˌlu:səˈneɪʃən]


  • Results Delusion of jealousy occupy 60.9 % delusion of jealousy set in the companion contain delusion of persecution 、 auditory hallucination 、 visual hallucination and the aggression to spouse significantly higher than have no delusion of jealousy set .

    结果有嫉妒妄想占60.9%,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想、幻听、 幻视及对配偶攻击行为方面显著高于无嫉妒妄想组。

  • Main clinical manifestations are consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking forgetting visual hallucination behavioral disorder and other clinical symptoms .

    此类 病人的临床表现以意识障碍为特征,并伴有思维不连贯、遗忘、 幻觉及行为紊乱等。

  • Conclusion Visual hallucination is a common non-motor symptom among patients with PD and cognitive function disease severity and usage of dopamine agonists may be related to visual hallucination .

    结论 幻觉是PD患者常见的一种非运动性症状,认知功能、病情严重程度、多巴胺激动剂的使用可能与视幻觉的发生有关。

  • The positive rate of symptoms of peripheral nerves central nerves and psychogeny except auditory and visual hallucination after poisoning was significantly higher than that before ( P < 0.05 ) .

    患者中毒后周围神经系统症状和体征阳性率、中枢神经系统症状阳性率、各种精神症状阳性率(除 幻听 幻视外)均高于中毒前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

  • Investigations on prevalence and risk factors of visual hallucination in patients with Parkinson 's disease

    帕金森病患者 幻觉发生率及危险因素的调查

  • Conclusion TOBS is characteristic of the following : ( 1 ) acute onset and fast progress with vertigo nausea and vomitting 2 ) disorder of ocular movement 3 ) consciousness disorder and ( 4 ) visual disorder hallucination and sleep reversal .

    结论本病的特点为(1)起病急,进展快,常以眩晕、恶心、呕吐 起病。(2)眼球运动障碍和 瞳孔异常。

  • Fluctuating cognitive impairment visual hallucination and Parkinsonism are all its clinical characteristics .

    以波动性认知功能障碍、 幻觉和帕金森病综合征为路易体痴呆的特征性临床特点。

  • Results Of the 11 patients five suffered from vertigo and vomitting four from Horner 's sign two from visual disorder two from hallucination four from limb paralysis one from sleep reversal and one from decerebrate rigidity .

    结果11例中眩晕、呕吐5例,Horner征4例, 视觉障碍2例, 幻觉2例,肢体瘫4例,睡眠倒错与去脑强直各1例。

  • What can xue shows us in his novel is not the pluralism objective reality in visual world bat the subjective reality that the objective reality in hallucination is remade and destroyed .

    但残雪小说所展示的不是 视觉领域里多元的客观现实, 而是 幻觉视象中客体实在性被改造和破坏的主观现实。

  • Main clinical manifestations were consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking amnesia visual hallucination and behavioral disturbance .

    临床表现以意识障碍伴有思维不连贯,遗忘, 幻觉和行为紊乱等为主。